Arizona AG Requests Temporary Restraining Order in Bid to End Biden’s Vaccine Mandates

Arizona AG Requests Temporary Restraining Order in Bid to End Biden’s Vaccine Mandates
Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich speaks at a news conference in Phoenix, Ariz., on Jan. 7, 2020. (Bob Christie/AP Photo)
Christopher Burroughs

Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich filed an amended complaint Friday in an effort to end President Joe Biden’s vaccine mandates.

Brnovich asked the U.S. District Court in Arizona to grant a temporary restraining order and nationwide preliminary injunction as soon as possible to protect workers forced to take the COVID-19 vaccine or be fired.

“Once a vaccine has been administered, it can never be undone,” Brnovich said in a statement.

“The COVID-19 vaccine mandate is one of the greatest infringements upon individual liberty, federalism, and the separation of powers by any administration in our country’s history,” he added.

Brnovich became the first attorney general to file a lawsuit against the president’s vaccine mandates in September. The new complaint adds two new claims.

First, Brnovich argued in the amended complaint that Biden does not have the legal authority to impose vaccine mandates on federal workers.

In addition, the updated legal challenge alleges the vaccine mandate requirement violates “individuals’ statutory right to refuse vaccines available under Emergency Use Authorizations (EUA) from the FDA.”

In a Twitter post on Friday, Brnovich said, “The COVID-19 vaccine mandate is one of the greatest infringements upon individual liberty, federalism, and the separation of powers by any administration in our country’s history.”

Brnovich’s original complaint in September argued the vaccine mandates violated the Equal Protection Clause, favoring illegal immigrants, who are not required to receive the vaccine, over American citizens.

The Arizona attorney general is not the only Republican leader to oppose the president’s vaccine mandates. Several conservative leaders have spoken out against the new requirements, including Texas Gov. Greg Abbott.

Abbott issued an executive order earlier this month to stop any entity in Texas from enforcing vaccine mandates. He also said he plans to call a special session of state lawmakers to enhance the order through passing a state law opposing mandates.

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) also spoke against Biden’s vaccine mandates this week. During a Thursday speech in Clearwater, DeSantis blasted the president’s COVID-19 vaccination requirements.

“Your right to earn a living should not be contingent upon COVID shots,” the governor said.

“When the vaccines first came out, we worked very hard to provide it, particularly to our elderly, but we said from day one: we will make it available for all, but we will mandate it on none because ultimately we want individuals to make the determinations about what is right for them.

“I want a state in which people are able to maintain their livelihoods, earn a living, and provide for their families. And if the federal government or big corporations are hurting people, then we have a responsibility to step up and lead,” DeSantis added.