New U.S. Glass Box Embassy

The U.S. ambassador to London announced a winning design for a new U.S. embassy in the Britain’s metropolis.
New U.S. Glass Box Embassy
The U.S. ambassador to London announced a winning design for a new U.S. embassy in the Britain’s metropolis.

The “environmentally-conscious” glass cube, designed by American architect firm Kieran Timberlake, intends to break the tradition of America’s fortress-style embassies.

The “Embassy Park” will be opened to all, and will feature a moat surrounding the 12-store building.

Architectural watchdogs criticized the decision, describing the proposed design as lacking a civilizing effect on the local area.

The cost of the new futuristic-looking building, intended to replace the current embassy, is estimated around $1 billion. It will be financed from the sale of the Grosvenor Square building to Qatari Diar Real Estate Investment Company in 2009.

The building is scheduled to start in 2013 and finish in 2017.