Unique Ways to Get an Accelerated Master’s Degree

Unique Ways to Get an Accelerated Master’s Degree
Adam Torkildson

Accelerated master’s degree programs offer a fast track to complete a master’s degree, saving time and money.  These programs are highly regarded by the career-driven student who is looking to maximize their skill set and then put it in motion in the workforce. Employers value the many levels of skills acquired in accelerated master’s degree programs, as well as the strong work ethic embodied by the graduates.  Employers recognize that students with accelerated master’s degrees bring an abundance of vitality, knowledge, and skill to the workforce.

How long will it take?

A typical accelerated master’s program, combined with a bachelor’s degree, takes roughly five years to complete.  Some schools call this the “4+1” approach, enabling students to complete their bachelor’s degree in the traditional way, following it up with an accelerated master’s program. Many programs are taking a novel approach, offering accelerated master’s degree programs that build on previous undergraduate degrees and transition students from other disciplines into advanced studies.   Nursing is one field taking this approach, drawing in older, motivated, second-career students to bring a wide array of backgrounds and life experiences to a new career. One innovative program taking it a step further is the new online Accelerated Master’s Degree option at Anna Maria College.  Students pursuing a bachelor’s degree in Fire Science can take three master’s level courses as an undergraduate (and at the lower undergraduate price).  After earning their bachelor’s degree, the student has the option to earn their online master’s degree in a fifth year of study, having three master’s-level classes already under their belt.

Why get an online accelerated master’s degree?

When most people envision a college environment, they conjure up the image of a lecture hall with wooden seats and a professor up front.  However, the world of online education is changing the learning paradigm, making education more accessible, affordable, and flexible.  At many universities, professors will teach the same class both in-person and online, giving just as much “face time” online as they do within the classroom.  Online students make up an enormously growing demographic, experiencing higher grades and greater graduation rates.  At play might be the convenience and flexibility afforded by online programs. Student’s lead busy lives and online-accelerated master’s programs allow learners ability to work their studies into their own schedules.  These benefits make online learning ideal for a busy student or working professional. Finding an accelerated master’s program to pursue requires research and introspection.  Many people already have an idea of what they wish to study, but are trying to find the right package.  A master’s degree is an investment, and it’s important to consider how each program will fit your current financial and time constraints.

Adam Torkildson
Adam Torkildson
What sets me apart is that I understand and can write code, have built and run a number of my own media properties, and have taken investments and been in partnerships (some that failed, some that are still running today) that have given me a nearly 360 degree view of running a business from product sourcing to customer relationships.
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