UK Briefs: 2 June 2010

UK Briefs : 2 June 2010
UK Briefs: 2 June 2010
University lecturers preparing for national strike

University lecturers could strike if there is no agreement reached over redundancies, said a union leader.
With universities having to swallow £1.1 billion in budget cuts, lecturer posts are being culled daily, said the head of the UCU union, Sally Hunt.
She said there may come a point when members would push for national action.
There have already been 15 strikes in the last two months in the sector, but with no coordinated national action.

Sweltering city nights to grow much more common

City nights are going to much hotter in the next 30 years, predicts the Met Office, with five times more nights staying above 20 degrees C.
The average temperature rise will be only 2C, but this will be magnified by the “urban heat island” effect, when the roads, buildings, and pavements of cities absorb heat during the day and release it at night.
Temperatures in cities can be 10C warmer than in the surrounding countryside, and in the future could reach 25C at night, according to the Met Office predictions.
Using computer models, the researchers predicted that the number of very hot nights in London would increase from two to ten a year.

Over 170 civil servants paid more than prime minister

The so-called civil service “fat-cat salaries” have been revealed for the first time, with 172 being paid more than the Prime Minister’s salary of £142,500 per year.
The highest earner was head of the Office of Fair Trading, John Fingleton, who takes home up to £279,999.
Some analysts believe that the new openness may be a double-edged sword, with the list being used by ambitious civil servants as leverage to negotiate higher salaries.
As part of the drive for increased transparency in government to win back public trust, the salaries of those earning over £150,000 were revealed for the first time.