Typhoon Threatens Dalian Chemical Plant, Thousands Flee

The fury of Typhoon Muifa struck the northeastern Chinese coastal city of Dalian on Aug. 8, raising fears that a chemical plant had been damaged and causing panicked residents to evacuate by any means they could.
Typhoon Threatens Dalian Chemical Plant, Thousands Flee

<a href="https://www.theepochtimes.com/assets/uploads/2015/07/120762921_medium.jpg"><img src="https://www.theepochtimes.com/assets/uploads/2015/07/120762921_medium.jpg" alt="A Chinese man watches heavy seas by the coastline in Qingdao, in eastern China's Shandong province on Aug. 8, 2011, as typhoon Muifa travelled north, drenching the eastern province of Shandong.  (STR/AFP/Getty Images)" title="A Chinese man watches heavy seas by the coastline in Qingdao, in eastern China's Shandong province on Aug. 8, 2011, as typhoon Muifa travelled north, drenching the eastern province of Shandong.  (STR/AFP/Getty Images)" width="320" class="size-medium wp-image-130540"/></a>
A Chinese man watches heavy seas by the coastline in Qingdao, in eastern China's Shandong province on Aug. 8, 2011, as typhoon Muifa travelled north, drenching the eastern province of Shandong.  (STR/AFP/Getty Images)

The fury of Typhoon Muifa struck the northeastern Chinese coastal city of Dalian on Aug. 8, raising fears that a chemical plant had been damaged and causing panicked residents to evacuate by any means they could. Chaos ensued in the area, and employees of the chemical plant ended up attacking a state-run camera crew trying to keep up with events.

<a href="https://www.theepochtimes.com/assets/uploads/2015/07/1108091311501227_medium.jpg"><img src="https://www.theepochtimes.com/assets/uploads/2015/07/1108091311501227_medium.jpg" alt="Dykes near the Dalian Fujiahua chemical plant were breached and flooded. (Epoch Times Photo Archive)" title="Dykes near the Dalian Fujiahua chemical plant were breached and flooded. (Epoch Times Photo Archive)" width="320" class="size-medium wp-image-130541"/></a>
Dykes near the Dalian Fujiahua chemical plant were breached and flooded. (Epoch Times Photo Archive)
Dykes and containment barriers near the Dalian Fujiahua chemical plant were breached and flooded during the storm. Though the authorities said the danger was under control and no chemical spill had occurred, the stampede of locals fearing a Fukushima-like tragedy couldn’t be stopped.

Local media correspondents described on their blogs how the Dagushan district was in chaos as thousands of people drove through the pouring rain in cars, tractors or buses, jamming the roads for miles.

And on the following morning of Aug. 9, the state-media CCTV’s live report from the area was rudely interrupted. Dozens of chemical plant employees attacked the reporter and smashed the camera, reportedly under instructions from the plant’s manager.

Local residents went online and, using their own names, blasted former Dalian Municipal Committee member and now Deputy Secretary of Liaoning Province, Xia Deren, for his decision to build and reinforce the chemical plant without any regard for the opinions of local residents.

“Xia!” they wrote, “Though you are now far away in Shenyang, how can your conscience let you rest, given the lives now threatened in Dalian?”

Dalian Fujiahua chemical plant was constructed with a private investment of over US$460 million. It officially began operation in June 2009 and produces annually 700,000 tons of chemicals, including paraxylene (used in polyester fibers, but toxic to humans.)

A toxic gas leak occurred at the plant at the end of last year, while a nearby state-owned oil depot also suffered several explosions last year. A statement online claiming to represent the views of residents illustrates the point: “We live in fear every day.”

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