Two People Arrested for Climbing Ohio Zoo Fence Playing ‘Pokemon Go’

The Associated Press

TOLEDO, Ohio  — Police say two people in Ohio have been arrested while playing “Pokemon Go” after they climbed over a fence at the Toledo Zoo.

The pair was arrested early Thursday after they were spotted on a zoo security camera.

Police say the two went over a fence near the zoo’s tiger enclosure in search of the smartphone game’s cartoon monsters.

Officers say the pair was walking through the zoo when they were caught. Both were charged with criminal trespass.

Twenty-five-year old Robin Bartholomy and 26-year-old Adrian Crawford, both of Toledo, are due in court Friday.

Court records do not list attorneys for them. A message seeking comment was left with Crawford. There was no telephone listing for Bartholomy.

“It wasn’t the most responsible thing to do, but hey, gotta catch ‘em all,” Bartholomy said, reported the Toledo Blade. “It was all fun and games until the cops showed up,” Crawford said.

“There are so many stops in there, and so many Pokemon,” he added. “We‘d been wanting to go there for like a week now, and we thought, ’let’s just go in there, what do we have to lose?'”

They’re now banned from entering the zoo.

Epoch Times contributed to this report, adding quotes.