Sale of Foreclosed Properties Yields Profit for OC

Sale of Foreclosed Properties Yields Profit for OC staff at the Emergency Services Center in Goshen on Sept. 30, 2016. Colin Fredericson/Epoch Times
Colin Fredericson

GOSHEN—Orange County held a countywide property auction on Sept. 29 and 30, which the county benefited by putting foreclosed property back on the tax rolls. 

There were 128 properties from 2016 and 280 properties leftover from previous years, some dating back to the 1990s.

All told, the county made a profit of $917,869 when the back taxes owed on the 2016 parcels, worth $802,581, are subtracted. 

The Sept. 30 session saw the remaining pieces of property go up for auction to bidders both in the audience and online.

By the end there were 59 individual properties, and one multi-parcel unit containing 32 parcels, leftover from 2016.

This auction offered technological improvements over previous auctions by the county. hosted the auction and handled all the bidding, transactions, and logistical matters.

Director of Real Property John McCarey and Commissioner of Finance Karin Hablow at the Emergency Services Center in Goshen on Sept. 30. (Colin Fredericson/Epoch Times)
Director of Real Property John McCarey and Commissioner of Finance Karin Hablow at the Emergency Services Center in Goshen on Sept. 30. Colin Fredericson/Epoch Times

“This is the first time we’ve ever used an outside company,” said the county’s Director of Real Property, John McCarey.  “That was a good move because they were able to take credit cards, they were able to have internet bidding and everything else.”

“I think we had a good number of buyers come out.”

There were 408 parcels up for auction this year, compared to about 150 to 170 the county normally sells. 

“It’s good to get some of them off and back, having residents pay taxes on them instead of the county sitting on them,” said County Commissioner of Finance Karin Hablow.

First-time property buyer Rey David Virgin was both excited and scared about the auction experience. He was excited to finally own land, but scared about  the associated risks that comes with property ownership.

“Definitely I’m tired of renting and I want to have my own property,” he said. 

Altogether 161 parcels of land from previous years received bids. The county will get $612,450 once those transactions are finalized.

Properties in which bids did not meet or exceed outstanding real property taxes will stay with the county.

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Colin Fredericson
Colin Fredericson
Colin is a New York-based reporter. He covers Entertainment, U.S., and international news. Besides writing for online news outlets he has worked in online marketing and advertising, done voiceover work, and has a background in sound engineering and filmmaking. His foreign language skills include Spanish and Chinese.