Hilarious Twitter Memes On Lebron’s Return to Cleveland

Via Sports Illustrated, Lebron James notified the world today that he’s returning to Cleveland. Here’s how Twitter made light of the situation.
Hilarious Twitter Memes On Lebron’s Return to Cleveland
(AP Photo/Lori Shepler, File)

Via Sports Illustrated, Lebron James notified the world today, “I’m Coming Home.”

Lebron James’s return to the Cleveland Cavaliers contains extra hype considering this was the same city that was seen callously burning his jersey, and that this is the same team whose owner wrote a scathing letter condemning James for his decision 4 years ago.

And yet, as James explains in his letter, this is the city that’s dearer to his heart than any other.

In many ways, it resembles a remarriage after an absolutely nasty divorce.

Anyway, here’s how Twitter made light of the situation.


How do you “unburn” a jersey? Lance Stephenson’s ear blowing techniques are actually a cure-all remedy.


Self-explanatory. Though one has to wonder how much Wade really knew regarding Lebron’s decision considering that they flew back to South Beach together.


No, that’s not the real Chris Rock, but you should be able to get the Lion King reference.


With all the hoopla on Lebron, has it hit anyone that Wade has been left all by himself as an injured, fading star?


Johnny Manziel and Lebron James in one city? Cleveland might as well be the new capital of the USA.


A play on the Miami Heat bandwagon stereotype.