Trump’s Kim Tweet Becomes His 3rd Most Retweeted. Here Are His Top 10:

Trump’s Kim Tweet Becomes His 3rd Most Retweeted. Here Are His Top 10:
President Donald Trump announces Jerome Powell as the new chairman of the U.S. Federal Reserve in the Rose Garden of the White House in Washington on Nov. 2, 2017. (Samira Bouaou/ The Epoch Times)
Ivan Pentchoukov

President Donald Trump’s Twitter message about North Korea’s communist leader Kim Jong Un on Nov. 11 spread like wildfire on the social media platform, becoming the third most retweeted message Trump has ever sent.

The message’s combination of ambiguity, humor, playful confrontation, and intrigue seems to have inspired both the president’s supporters and detractors to share the message with the world.

The tweet joins Trump’s top viral messages in his own Tweet hall of fame. Here are the top 10 tweets the president sent as of Nov. 13.

#10 — The Global Warming Tweet


Only two of Trump’s top 10 tweets were sent years before he ran for president. In 2012, he cast doubt on the theory of global warming.

Much maligned at the time, the tweet has aged well, since mainstream media has abandoned the “global warming” term as evidence surfaced to the contrary. Mainstream media outlets now use the more ambiguous “climate change” term.

#9 — The Melania Speech Tweet

114,131 retweets as of Nov. 13, 2017

Melania Trump, now the First Lady of the United States, gave a speech at the Republican National Convention on July 18, 2016, when her husband was running for president.

Melania’s speech showed the world a more personal perspective of Trump. But the speech quickly became the subject of controversy when it was discovered that parts of it closely resembled Michelle Obama’s speech at the 2008 Democratic National Convention.

Two days after the speech, Trump sent a tweet that deflected the scrutiny of the speech to the more substantial problems of his opponent, Hillary Clinton.

#8 — The “covfefe” Tweet

127,507 retweets before deletion

Perhaps one of the most mysterious of Trump’s tweets is the famous “covfefe” message. The president sent the cryptic Tweet late one night in May but did not send a follow-up message to correct the spelling of “covfefe” or explain the meaning behind the tweet.


The message left journalists, experts, and the Twitter-sphere at large scratching their heads and spawned endless theories into its meaning. The following morning, Trump didn’t make it any easier for those struggling with the mystery after he tweeted the following:

#7 The Happy New Year Tweet

136,040 retweets as of Nov. 13, 2017

Trump can make a New Year’s greeting viral. The president’s New Year message embraced both his followers and his foes in a way that inspired more than 136,000 retweets.

#6 The Electoral College Tweet

153,993 retweets as of Nov. 13, 2017

Trump’s 2012 tweet about the U.S. Electoral College is the only other message on the top 10 that the president sent years before he was elected.

The message’s popularity is likely because Trump won the electoral college vote in 2016, despite, by official figures, losing the popular vote. The president’s detractors likely resurfaced the tweet from four years before the 2016 election and thrust into the top 10.

#5 Twitter Fight With Hillary Clinton

159,041 retweets as of Nov. 13, 2017

Trump’s fifth most popular Twitter message was the outcome of a Twitter war of words with Hillary Clinton. The sequence went as follows:

Just like the ninth most popular tweet, this message refocuses the conversation on Clinton’s problematic use of a personal email server to conduct State Department affairs.

#4 The Victory Tweet

212,828 retweets as of Nov. 13, 2017

Trump sent a single message on the day after he won the presidential election. The tweet reflected one of the central themes of his campaign and called for unity after a divisive election.

#3 The Kim Jong Un Tweet

253,509 retweets as of Nov. 13, 2017

#2 The Election Day Tweet

333,089 retweets as of Nov. 13, 2017

Trump sent an early morning tweet on election day consisting of only six words. It remains his second most retweeted message.

#1 The #FraudNewsCNN Meme Tweet

364,455 retweets as of Nov. 13, 2017

Trump’s most popular tweet to date features a meme video of a wrestling match. It encapsulates the president’s groundbreaking use of social media to galvanize his followers, delegitimize his critics, rile up his opponents and make just about everyone laugh.

The tweet spawned media coverage and quickly became an internet sensation. CNN later located the person who made the video and threatened to release his personal details to the public, a move that quickly backfired.

Ivan is the national editor of The Epoch Times. He has reported for The Epoch Times on a variety of topics since 2011.