Trump Supporters Camping Out for Campaign Rally Speak Out, Including Former Democrats

Trump Supporters Camping Out for Campaign Rally Speak Out, Including Former Democrats
Supporters of President Donald Trump line up along one of the main streets outside the Amway Center in Florida, on June 17, 2019. Gregg Newton/AFP/Getty Images
Zachary Stieber

Supporters of President Donald Trump who camped out on June 17 in preparation for the June 18 rally spoke out about why they support him.

Three women, Maria, Nancy, and Jenny, no last names given, told the right-leaning Fox News that they’re ex-liberals who support Trump after joining the so-called Walk Away movement.

Nancy said the rallies feel like a “rock concert” and was looking forward to hearing what Trump had to say about his plans for a second term.

“What I want to hear is what he has planned for everybody to move forward,” she said.

Hundreds of people were lined up by 6 a.m. Tuesday.

“This is a bucket list item,” added Maria, referring to attending the rally.

Gary Snow from Fort Meyers also said he was a Democrat until protests forced Trump to cancel an event he wanted to attend in 2016, he told Bailey Gallion of Florida Today. Snow said what happened “opened his eyes“ and compelled him to leave the party.

Ann and Bill Cwynar were also lined up to get inside the Amway Center, which holds approximately 20,000 people.

“He’s actually doing stuff for the people,” Ann Cwynar told Naples Daily News reporter Dave Osborn about why she supports Trump.

“And he’s doing what he said he would do.”

Supporters of President Donald Trump camp out along one of the main streets outside the Amway Center in Florida on June 17, 2019. (Gregg Newton/AFP/Getty Images)
Supporters of President Donald Trump camp out along one of the main streets outside the Amway Center in Florida on June 17, 2019. Gregg Newton/AFP/Getty Images

Live music played while people stood in line as food trucks sold food to the attendees.

There were large screens set up outside since organizers expected thousands of people to arrive in addition to those who could fit into the arena.

Some people got there as early as 2 a.m. Monday.

Two supporters of President Donald Trump sit along one of the main streets outside the Amway Center in Florida on June 17, 2019. (Gregg Newton/AFP/Getty Images)
Two supporters of President Donald Trump sit along one of the main streets outside the Amway Center in Florida on June 17, 2019. Gregg Newton/AFP/Getty Images
“This is the big one,” Jennifer Petito, 54, of Melbourne, who grabbed the second spot in line, told the Orlando Sentinel. “This is the mother of all rallies.”

“We came here thinking if we got here today, we’d be late,” added Ellie Salvador, 67, of Miami. “I want to get inside, not watch him on a TV screen.”

Wolf Ward of Colorado was also among those in line who camped out on Monday night.

The construction worker said that Trump acts like someone on a job site. “A general contractor, you don’t care if he’s brusque,“ he told Gallion. ”You care that he gets the job done.”

Zachary Stieber
Zachary Stieber
Senior Reporter
Zachary Stieber is a senior reporter for The Epoch Times based in Maryland. He covers U.S. and world news. Contact Zachary at [email protected]
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