Trump Calls In to Arizona Election Hearing

NTD Television

The election integrity hearing held in Arizona on Monday received a phone call from the president.

“Well thank you very much, I’ve been watching the hearings and they are fascinating, incredible, and I just want to thank all of you,” said President Donald Trump.

He called the 2020 election “the greatest scam ever perpetrated on our country.”

“I know that we won Arizona, and we won Michigan, and we won Georgia, and we won Pennsylvania, and we won Wisconsin, but what they did is they played games, and games like nobody’s ever seen before. This is the first time Republicans, or the first time anyone has fought back,” said Trump.

Trump’s attorneys Rudy Giuliani and Jenna Ellis facilitated the call as members of the Arizona Legislature, witnesses, and attendees of the hearing listened.

During the call, President Trump accused Republican Arizona Governor Doug Ducey of rushing the certification process amid voter fraud allegations.

“He just rushed to sign certificates, so that Kelly gets into the Senate as soon as possible. What’s that all about?” said Trump.

Ducey said on Monday that he would sign the certification right away so that Senator-elect Mark Kelly, a Democrat, could “be sworn in as swiftly as possible.”

The president questioned why Ducey would sign when there are hearings taking place and huge allegations of corruption and fraud.

President Trump said he wouldn’t relent regarding this year’s election, saying “we’re gonna win this thing, we’re not giving up ever.”

Ducey defended his state’s election system on Twitter. In a statement, he said, “In Arizona, we have some of the strongest election laws in the country.”

He wrote: “We’ve got ID at the polls. We review EVERY signature (every single one) on early ballots—by hand—unlike other states that use computers. Prohibitions on ballot harvesting. Bipartisan poll observers.”