True Story - Adventures in the NICU

Epoch Video
Tru Beare was born 14 weeks early on the 24th January 2016, weighing just one pound, and immediately began fighting for her life.

From the very moment she took her first breath she faced life and death catastrophes: she suffered from chronic lung disease, fought through two blood clots, survived deadly sepsis, and many more emergencies that kept her parents and her doctors on their toes.

Through plenty of tears, laughter, and hugs from her mother and father, she survived each one and grew stronger every day.

Tru spent a whopping 131 days in the NICU, but thanks to the constant love, care, and attention from her family, her doctors and her nurses, she was finally well enough to go home.

On that emotional day, her mom and dad strapped a Go Pro to her car seat to document her first journey home, as her mom strapped her in, as the nurses waved her goodbye, and as she took her first ever ride in the car.

When she got home she met the rest of the family – her two canine siblings!

Tru and her family now share their story on their YouTube channel called “Tru Story”, where they document all of Tru’s new adventures. She’s now a happy, healthy and beautiful little girl who tackles each new challenge with the same bravery as she did as a newborn, and now she even has a little sister called Faith to help her through!

Watch the video for yourself to see Tru’s first adventure!

Video Credit: Tru Story | YouTube
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