Top 3 Safaris in Africa

Top 3 Safaris in Africa
Miles Young

Whether you enjoy following a pride of lions of the Maasai Mara or love trekking into the deep bushes of Kruger, a trip into Africa’s wilderness is both breathtaking and life-changing. According to official websites, prices for these safari destinations can sometimes be austere, ranging from as low as £2,700 all the way up to £4,000 for a 7-day adventure in the bush. However, people who have experienced these safaris often come back with the feeling of having gone through a life-changing experience. 

The following is a selection of 3 safaris recommended by Travel Tipsor that are guaranteed to give you a good bang for your buck:

1) The Zambezi Valley, located in Zambia

This is one of the few areas in Africa that remains undisturbed by human civilization. The Zambezi River flows through this area, along whose banks many crocodiles can be seen lying lazily under the scorching African sun. In this riverine forest, you can expect to see the migration of white butterflies and a large, unforgettable eclipse moon. Don’t be surprised to hear the loud moaning of lions cruising past your tent at night as they hunt. Herds of elephants can also be seen grazing in the grasslands. The Zambezi Valley is an unforgettable experience filled with expert guides, comfortable camps, and romantic tented-suites. The experience also includes a walk through the valley with armed guides, boating, fishing, or just sitting on the deck and enjoying a glass of wine.

2) The Game Reserve of the Central Kalahari

When most people think about the desert experience, they expect thirst, heat, and the barren earth. However, your opinion about deserts will soon change after visiting the Game Reserve of the Central Kalahari. When you gaze up into the sky, you can expect to see large raptors and vultures whirling around while animals try to seek shade under the thorny acacia trees. While heading on a trail, don’t be surprised to see an African hare or a dung beetle scurry by.  You are also told by guides to watch out for ostriches, gemsbok, and springbok, which ups the thrill-factor! Don’t be surprised at all to hear the deep roar of the Kalahari lion or the howling of the hyena.  Although this safari is scarcely visited mainly due to the desert conditions, the Game Reserve of the Central Kalahari remains the most pristine, unpolluted, and beautiful safaris in all of Africa.

3) The Maasai Mara, in Kenya

Undoubtedly one of the most popular safari experiences, especially when planned properly, the Maasai Mara is an ideal place for big cat junkies. Photography enthusiasts will have a blast here capturing once-in-a-lifetime shots of a leopard in a tree or coming face to face with a cheetah.  Is it surprising that BBC chose this place for its Big Cat Diary TV series? One of the best times to visit is in July, when you can observe the migration of the zebra and wildebeest herds.  Dotted with boundless savannahs, rolling skylines, and vast grasslands, the Maasai Mara is home to childhood favorites such as the rhino, elephant, and the not-so-well-known topi.

If you want a vacation that is life-changing, unique, and memorable, consider visiting any or all of the safaris recommended above and you can also think about others. After all, there are so many safaris that you can consider. These are just those that are considered as being the best according to most reviews but you may want something different.  You can even have a safari experience in Ohio these days.


Miles Young
Miles Young
Miles Young is a freelance writer, traveler, tech geek and finger skateboard enthusiast.