TIMELINES: A devastating earthquake on Nov. 23, 1980 kills more than 3,000 people in what European country?

A devastating earthquake kills more than 3,000 people in what European country?
TIMELINES: A devastating earthquake on Nov. 23, 1980 kills more than 3,000 people in what European country?

Wednesday, Nov. 23, 2011


Nov. 23, 1980, an enormous magnitude-7.2 earthquake devastates Southern Italy killing over 3,000 people. The earthquake is centered just south of Naples and strikes around 7:30 p.m. The quake causes massive fires due to ruptured gas lines throughout the affected area severely impeding rescue efforts. In the weeks following the initial quake, reports indicate that approximately 300,000 people are left homeless. 


Today, as a result of a powerful magnitude-6.3 earthquake in L‘Aquila, central Italy on April 5, 2009—the country’s deadliest since the 1980 quake—six earthquake scientists and a former government official face manslaughter charges because of assurances they provided to the public prior to the deadly quake. Vincenzo Vittorini, a doctor who lost his wife and child, formed an association to represent the victims called “309 Martyrs.” In the case, the prosecution is focused on a press conference given just days before the tragedy where the defendants casually dismissed the potential of any significant danger arising out of recent earthquake activity. The L’Aquila earthquake killed over 300 people. The defendants assert that their actions were in no way negligent.