Tiger in Bathroom: Woman at Circus Gets Up Close with Tiger (+Video)

Tiger in bathroom: A circus-goer in Kansas received a stunning surprise when she went to the bathroom.
Tiger in Bathroom: Woman at Circus Gets Up Close with Tiger (+Video)
A tiger at the London Zoo. A different tiger escaped from a circus in Kansas and met a woman in the bathroom; she promptly walked out. Tim P. Whitby/Getty Images

Tiger in bathroom: A circus-goer in Kansas received a stunning surprise when she went to the bathroom. 

Jenna Krehbiel was enjoying the circus with her family when she took a break to go the bathroom.

In the bathroom, she came face to face with a tiger she had just seen perform.

“I walked in the door, which closed right after I had walked in,” she told the Salina Journal. “I saw the tiger; it was at most two feet in front of me, and I turned around calmly and walked back toward the door. Someone opened the door and said get out.”

Salina is a town in Kansas with a population around 50,000.

The tiger that escaped, which is shown on video posted on the Journal’s website, weighs more than 250 pounds.

“It was the closest I have ever been to a tiger not in a cage,” Krehbiel said. Her training as a social worker helped her. “I’m always on alert, and it was easy to walk out,” she said. “Looking back, it was a scary ordeal. At the time, I was thinking I just needed to get out.”

The tiger, during an escape, avoided barricades that staff quickly set up by veering into the bathroom. A security guard had barricaded the other bathroom door, which is out of sight of the one Krehbiel walked through.

The tiger is well-trained, a person with the circus told Krehbiel, and there was no risk.