Anti-Communist Slogan Posted on Popular Chinese Online Forum

A daring post, “Overthrow the Chinese communist regime!” appeared on China’s popular Tengxun online forum one day after the 21st anniversary of the Tiananmen Square Massacre.
Anti-Communist Slogan Posted on Popular Chinese Online Forum
Original Message posted on June 5th, saying: 'Overthrow The Chinese Communist Party!' screenshot
<a><img src="" alt="Original Message posted on June 5th, saying: 'Overthrow The Chinese Communist Party!'  (screenshot)" title="Original Message posted on June 5th, saying: 'Overthrow The Chinese Communist Party!'  (screenshot)" width="320" class="size-medium wp-image-1818907"/></a>
Original Message posted on June 5th, saying: 'Overthrow The Chinese Communist Party!'  (screenshot)
A daring post, “Overthrow the Chinese communist regime!” appeared on China’s popular Tengxun online forum one day after the 21st anniversary of the Tiananmen Square Massacre, which was marked on June 4. Nearly 2,000 people viewed the post within a few hours of its appearance on the message board during a politically sensitive period in China.

The entry was posted at 8:18 p.m. on June 5, and 1768 Internet users viewed it by 3:14 a.m. the next day, entering 48 responses. The posting also quickly spread to various chat rooms.

Despite strict Internet regulations imposed by the Chinese authorities, including requiring users to disclose their real names, some of the people’s responses appeared fearless in expressing support for the post.

One of the responses read: “[I] strongly support the coming of this day! If there is an uprising, I will definitely take part in it! This despicable, shameless government, this government that claims to ’serve the people,' this government that has used lies to win the sympathy of its people has only existed for 60 years, and yet people are already talking about subverting it.”

Another response, “I also support this, Chinese people are awakening,” was still on the message board at the time of this reporting.

To mark the Tiananmen Square Massacre anniversary, the Fujian branch of the China Democracy Party put up slogans reading, “Redress June 4, remove the ban on other political parties” and “Establish the Third Republic,” on the streets of Fujian and Changle cities in Fujian Province on June 1, calling for an end to the one-party rule by the Chinese Communist Party.

The local authorities forced one of the organization’s leaders to flee to Hong Kong and arrested several other participants in response to the slogans.

Read the original Chinese article.