Thousands Protest Health Care

More than 2,000 people protested President Obama’s call for health care reform at the St. Charles Convention Center.
Thousands Protest Health Care

More than 2,000 people protested President Obama’s call for health care reform at the St. Charles Convention Center.

The president was scheduled to visit the city later that day to encourage passage of health care reform. Missouri Rep. Todd Akin’s office organized the event and described it as a town hall meeting.

Akin addressed the audience over video, and said, “The strong turnout at this event should show Speaker Pelosi and President Obama that the American people understand this legislation and they don’t want it. My fellow Missourians want health care reform—but they want the kind of reform that fixes problems, not the kind that creates new ones. It’s time to scrap this bill and start over with truly bipartisan reform that preserves individual choice and protects taxpayers.” Akins is a Republican.