This Is What You Should Not Do If You Find a Deer in Your Driveway

Epoch Newsroom

A man in Scotland went from delight to horror in under two minutes after the deer he spotted in front of his building wandered onto the road, with tragic consequences.

In footage uploaded on March 17, Aaron Mills can be heard asking “Am I dreaming, or is that a deer,” as his dog growls at the window.

Mills noted that the animal appeared to be “taking it easy,” as though it didn’t “have a care in the world.”

After saying “I want to scare it,” he opens the window and whistles at the deer, which hears the dog bark.

A few seconds later, the animal heads for the gate and tries to cross the road, just as a car comes past and hits it.

Mills’s reaction to what happened next was an instinctive, “Oh my [expletive] God.”

He added the following banner to his video: “Can’t help thinking I’m partly to blame for that.”

Credit: Aaron Mills via Storyful
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