This Is What Netflix’s New Design Looks Like

Last month, we told you about a huge redesign that was being tested by Netflix. While the service itself is loved by subscribers around the world, the service’s website has been pretty terrible for quite some time
This Is What Netflix’s New Design Looks Like

Last month, we told you about a huge redesign that was being tested by Netflix. While the service itself is loved by subscribers around the world, the service’s website has been pretty terrible for quite some time.

Slow, janky animations and slow-moving carousels characterize the site now, and the entire look of has always seemed a bit behind the times.

Now, however, all that is a distant memory.

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Netflix announced on Monday afternoon that it has begun to roll out a huge redesign. While many people stream Netflix using a set-top box or a mobile app on a smartphone or tablet, many more stream content directly to a computer from

Now, the web experience offered by Netflix is getting much, much better.

“With the new Netflix website, we’ve created a richer, more visual experience, and a website that works more like an app and less like a series of linked web pages,” Netflix said in a post on its blog. “Information appears in-line and in context rather than on a separate page, which makes exploring the catalog faster than ever before.”

Here’s the old site design:


And here’s a GIF that shows us what navigating the site will be like with the sleek new design:


The new site design has already begun rolling out so if you don’t see it yet, be patient and you'll get it within the next two weeks.

Republished with permission from BGR. Read the original.