Think You’re a Networking Pro? Take This TRICKY Challenge

Think You’re a Networking Pro? Take This TRICKY Challenge
Deborah Asseraf

Happy Halloween! There is nothing like a jolly (and morbid) national holiday to get people smiling, not entirely due to a sugar rush. The Fall is in full swing and so (hopefully) are your sales. You were able to sign a few contracts, set up your CRM system, gained some referrals and even connected a few people within your network. Things are looking good and thanks to the internet, self-help books and good ‘ol experience, you have officially dubbed yourself A Networking Master. Well, you might want to postpone the coronation ceremony. Below a tricky challenge for professionals and entrepreneurs who brag about their impeccable networking skills.

Challenge #1: Zoning Into Your Network. If you’re a great networker then you already know that the rule of the game is quality over quantity. But, how exclusive is your list? Instead of continuing to grow your list you’re going to focus your energy on seeding your list for the next week. The more you seed the more there is later to reap. For the next 5 days pick five people within your network who you would rank the highest in terms of quality of the connection and potential of the relationship. Then concentrate on sending referrals and helpful tips to one person per day. Make sure to follow-up on the referrals to ensure they were successful. And, of course check in with your five people and update your CRM system with juicy notes.

Challenge #2: Learning To Trust Your Network. Now, buckle up because the next challenge is going to be much more difficult and requires one essential ingredient: belief. Don’t worry, I’m not asking you believe me –we barely know each other! But you do need to believe in yourself and in the power of your network. Now think to yourself: what do I need from my network right now? It might be a referral or an introduction to a JV. Either way, get as specific as possible and write it down. For the next 48hrs I want you to live with the intention and belief that your network will deliver this need right to you. But, let’s be clear: doubt cannot feature in this challenge. Doubt doesn’t even get an invite. Kick doubt out to the curb for the next 48hrs and concentrate simply on what you are asking your network to deliver and then believe in it with all your might.

Challenge # 3: How Small Of A World Is It? Originally stated by Frigyes Karinthy in 1929, it was revealed that we are all connected within six degrees of separation or less. Now, really start to think about this. Who would you love to meet in your wildest dreams? And, it doesn’t have to be business related. Is it Oprah or Pharrell Williams or Jennifer Lawrence? Write down their name and then start visualizing how you would feel if and when you meet this person. The stronger the feeling the easier it will be to manifest the fantasy into a reality. On the same piece of paper write down a deadline. For success, give yourself enough time so that our personal enemy Doubt won’t start screaming how insane you are. I once had a friend who wanted to appear on Good Morning America so she wrote it down and gave herself a year to accomplish it. Eight months later she was invited as a guest on the show.

These experiments were inspired by Pam Grout author of E Squared. A book I recommend to anyone who is looking to achieve more success, peace and joy in life.

Let us know which challenge you accomplished and what results you achieved below! Or email us at [email protected].

Deborah Asseraf is founder & CEO of Popcorn Productions, a company that explodes awareness for businesses through tailored campaigns. Popcorn Productions produces exclusive events, video products and specialty products aimed at spreading the word through interactive environments. Loving every minute of being an Entrepreneur, Deborah started the Social Pulse, a blog devoted to addressing important, fun and educational issues for and about entrepreneurs, business owners and the buisiness savvy.
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