The Undertaker 22-1?

The Undertaker 22-1?
The Undertaker (source
Zachary Stallings

WrestleMania, it’s like the World Series, NBA Finals, and the Super Bowl put together.  WrestleMania has been called the show case of the immortals; it’s a night where careers are made, and legends solidify their place in history. There have been many great wrestler that have made a name for themselves at WrestleMania, but there is one man that stands out among all others; The Undertaker.

On April 6, 2014 the professional wrestling world was shocked when the greatest streak in sports entertainment ended at WrestleMania 30. Brock Lesnar defeated, or in Paul Heymans words “concord” a streak that no one (including myself) thought would ever end. For wrestling fans everywhere the perfect ending to the Undertaker’s career would have been for him to retire with the streak intact; but now the question remains what’s next.

The streak spanned a little over two decades; it sort of became a WrestleMania tradition, it was a constant, a fact that every year someone would step up only to be set back down by The Undertaker. The Undertaker defeated some of the greatest wrestlers to ever step foot in a WWE ring; CM Punk, Shawn Michaels, HHH, and Ric Flair all tried and failed. When the Undertaker challenged Brock Lesnar there was a feeling of indifference, no one doubted that The Undertaker could win, but the question was could Brock Lesnar lose?

Going into WrestleMania the story was that Brock Lesnar would be The Undertakers toughest opponent to date. The thought remained the same; every year The Undertaker faces tougher and tougher opponents, but yet he always finds a way to win, and it was believed Lesnar would be no exception. When Lesnar hit the final F-5 on the Undertaker, and pinned him one, two, three; it was unbelievable. The look on the faces of the people inside the Superdome told you everything you needed to know. It was something that WWE fans everywhere did not believe could or would happen; the streak was over and no one knows if the Undertaker will ever return.

In my opinion The Undertaker will return for WrestleMania 31 in a redemption/retirement match against Brock Lesnar. The match (in my opinion) will be the Undertakers last match no matter what the outcome. The Undertaker will return but not as expected; I believe he will return as the motorcycle riding American Badass. The reason for this will be so the Undertaker can approach the match in a different way. The main reason for the character change would simply be because as the Dead Man the Undertaker could not beat Lesnar, but maybe as the American Badass he can. The storyline would be this; The Undertaker will return at Elimination Chamber and cost Lesnar a shot at or cost him the WWE World Heavyweight Championship. This will lead to a no DQ match at WrestleMania. As the American Badass the Undertaker can be more vicious, more forceful, more of a brawler then he already is; if you want proof of that just watch WrestleMania 18 Taker vs. Flair.

There is still a long way until WrestleMania, and what will happen from now until then is unknown. Everything I have said here is just my opinion on what I believe professional wrestling fans would want to see. Weather the Undertaker returns or not, the WWE fans will always want to see one more match, and I for one hope we get that match a WrestleMania 31.


I'm a writer pursuing a career in sports journalism. The two main areas I cover are Professional Wrestling and the sport of boxing. I hope you enjoy reading my articles.
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