The Soft Touch of Award-Winning Photographer Jacquelyn Martin

Photographer Jacquelyn Martin has been covering the White House bustle, but I’m even more impressed by her shots of daily life.
The Soft Touch of Award-Winning Photographer Jacquelyn Martin
President Barack Obama kisses first lady Michelle Obama during their dance at the Commander-in-Chief Inaugural Ball at the Washington Convention Center during the 57th Presidential Inauguration on Monday, Jan. 21, 2013, in Washington. AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin
Petr Svab

Jacquelyn Martin has a special knack for photography. She’s been covering the White House bustle for The Associated Press, but, to be honest, I’m even more impressed by her shots of the daily life in Washington, D.C.

She studied photojournalism at the Rochester Institute of Technology and graduated in 2001. After some internships she got a position at a local paper in Alabama, but the paper went under after three years. Year later she landed a position with the AP in Washington, D.C.

Martin’s personal projects often focus on women and children in tough situations. Like her photo essay on the plight of Albinos in Tanzania or migrants dangerously crossing Mexico on top of freight trains to reach the United States.

This little selection, however, mostly follows her, perhaps more mundane, days in the nation’s capital.

But OK. Since Martin also travels around the world following the Secretary of State diplomatic missions, I slipped in one picture she took in Korea, but it was just too cute not to include and besides, it kind of proves a point I’m about to make here.

So why I liked these photos? Because they are technically masterful, yet imaginative and keep a certain human touch. And that can be very challenging to bring forth while covering politics all the time.

Martin is also the President of the Women Photojournalists of Washington, an organization offering a supportive community to fellow female photojournalists in the D.C. area.

So what do you think of Jacquelyn Martin? Would you like to see more of her work? Or is there another photographer you'd like to learn more about?

Petr Svab
Petr Svab
Petr Svab is a reporter covering New York. Previously, he covered national topics including politics, economy, education, and law enforcement.
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