The Latest: Wisconsin Recount Set to Begin Thursday

The Latest: Wisconsin Recount Set to Begin Thursday
Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump waits to be interviewed by Fox News at a George Webb diner on April 5, 2016 in Wauwatosa, Wisconsin. Wisconsin residents are voting in the state's primary today. Photo by Scott Olson/Getty Images
The Associated Press

The Latest on Wisconsin presidential recount (all times local):

8:45 a.m.

The recount of Wisconsin’s presidential election could begin on Thursday.

That’s the proposed start date that the Wisconsin Elections Commission is to vote on approving Monday. The commission is holding an emergency telephone conference to approve the timeline.

Starting the recount on Thursday is dependent upon the commission receiving payment from those who requested the recount.

Both Green Party presidential candidate Jill Stein and Independent presidential candidate Rocky De La Fuente on Friday requested a recount.

Wisconsin counties were to submit estimates for the cost of the recount to the state commission by noon Monday. The commission won’t issue the recount order until payment is received.

Under federal law, the recount must be done by Dec. 13.

Wisconsin’s unofficial election results show Donald Trump with 1,404,000 votes and Hillary Clinton with 1,381,823 votes.


12:03 a.m.

Wisconsin election officials are meeting to go over a timeline for a recount of the state’s presidential election.

The recount comes at the request of Green Party candidate Jill Stein, who says it’s important to determine whether hacking may have affected the results. Stein says she also plans to request recounts in Pennsylvania and Michigan.

President-elect Donald Trump narrowly won Wisconsin and Pennsylvania and has a small lead in Michigan. There’s no evidence voter results were hacked or electronic voting machines were compromised.

Hillary Clinton’s campaign formally joined Stein’s Wisconsin effort over the weekend.

Wisconsin officials say it will be tough to finish the recount by the federally required deadline of Dec. 13.