The Importance Of Security In Big Business

The Importance Of Security In Big Business
DJ Miller

Cybercrime is currently the biggest threat that is driving organizations and companies to do business with security firms that can protect their data and network. Every year, more and more businesses are being famously hacked, leaving customers and consumers worrying about the information that they hand out to these big businesses.

It is estimated that about $1 trillion is lost by businesses every year due to cybercrime. Cybercrime includes hacking into servers and gathering important data, bringing down your network, or even stealing classified information that can cause distress in your company. Last year, the highly publicized hack of Sony Pictures Entertainment created quite a stir not only in Hollywood, but to massive corporations that are dealing with threats on a daily basis. If you think that your business isn’t prone to cyberattacks, think again. At this day and age, you can never let your precious information be captured by those who are up to no good. Here are some ways why security is an important factor in your business right now.

Big data, big protection

Your company has a lot of information being stored in your database.
Whether you own a business that deals with providing consumers with products or you’re helping out with an important service, you’re in possession of vital information that you use when you’re dealing with your customers. Information such as names, addresses, credit card information and even social security numbers are stored in your database right now. Nobody likes it when important information like those mentioned before are stolen, so it makes sense that your business should have a strong resistance against cyber-attacks that aims to bring your business down.

More than 90% of cyber attacks are preventable if data is protected where it is created, accessed, and stored. Usually data is being stored inside your servers at work or at an off-shore location. It is of important to keep this data secure from attacks and threats. The reason why people are calling it “the information age” is because of the fact that information is the most vital asset today. The one who holds the information, holds the power. Protecting that information is crucial for any type of business out there, including yours.

Security is expensive

Making sure that your entire network is protected is not an easy task, but utilizing the best protection in the market can definitely create a peace of mind for those working for you. According to reports, there is an annual increase in security expenditures across the country from 2007. More and more companies are seeing the value and importance of having a strong security system within your network. Although security is expensive, you can be assured that your data along with all the information that you need to run your business is protected against any threat and attacks.

On the average, a company is expected to shell out more than $400 per employee. This would include secure access to networks, key cards, network security, and management training. It is important to train your employees about potential hazards that could erupt from a cyber-attack.

Control everything

One way to make sure that your company remains secure is to control everything. Be the seeing eye in your business by being informed about all the aspects of your business. It’s not enough to have your network secure, you also need to protect your office and server location from those who want to compromise it from the inside. Intelligent video analytics along with security camera systems can be a huge asset for big businesses who want to protect their office environment from harmful cyberattacks.

It is true that prevention is better than cure, and for things like network security, your company should be able to have the right tools to ensure a safe working environment.

DJ Miller is a graduate student at the University of Tampa. He's an avid gadget geek and spends most of his time reading or writing. He is a huge fantasy sports fan and even runs his own advice site for Fantasy Help.