The Grief of a Mother Penguin (+ Video)

The Grief of a Mother Penguin (+ Video)
Two emperor penguins mourn the death of a tiny emperor penguin chick. Screenshot

Birds are not known for being expressive creatures. Relatively speaking, they are lower down on the cute scale.

Because of that, such a vivid expression of grief—as shown by these two penguins, mourning their frozen chick—is so startling and touching. 

This short clip, which was uploaded to by John Downer Production and was viewed on YouTube more than 100,000 times, is part of the company’s new series “Penguins—Spy in the Huddle (Waddle All The Way).”

Gidon Belmaker
Gidon Belmaker
Gidon Belmaker is a former reporter and social media editor with The Epoch Times.