The Facebook Outlook For 2015

The Facebook Outlook For 2015
Anthony Carranza

Any Business owner that has not yet dived into the world of social media, probably will do this year. The massive power social media can bring upon a business if done right is huge.

All of us in the business of social media already knew using website’s such as Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and other social media websites boosts sales of products and services. Whether you are a shop, provide some type of service or are a marketing company, many of us jumped on this bandwagon years ago. 

Facebook stats, insights and figures

The company since going public has diversified and evolved into a legitimate social network. It has been delivering strong financial results and up until now has the largest number of users. 

Number of monthly active Facebook users worldwide as of 4th quarter 2014 (in millions)

Below is a summary of the most impressive statistics:

  • There are now 1.39 billion monthly active users on Facebook
  • 5 billion likes per day were recorded in May 2013 which was a massive 67% increase from August in the same year
  • 890 million Facebook users logged in for December 2014 which is an 18% increase year over year since the start of Facebook
  • 9 billion people per month use Facebook on their mobile phones and most of the people are probably accessing it from the work place.
  • There are five new profiles created every second, though some of these could be down to the bots the bad black hat marketers
  • On Thursday’s and Friday’s people engage with Facebook more (18% rise worldwide)

Is Search Marketing Still Required? 

Even before the year 2000 it was still possible to run an effective marketing campaign because the market was booming and economic times for the 1990s were characterized as prosperous. Nowadays it is immensely hard to get into the top spots and positions within search rankings.

What is mind bottling is that Google keeps updating its algorithm and the constant shifts present search engine optimization (SEO) companies with plenty of obstacles and challenges. For them to continue operating and succeeding will depend on how well they adjust their efforts and campaigns over the course of 2015. 

The internet search landscape is in it of itself complex, but there are still thousands upon thousands of companies out there doing it and for some it is still working quite well. Companies like the ppc agency assert that 70 percent of all search engine clicks comes from paid search. It will not be enough to pay your way into the first page results, but build an organic reputation about the company services. 

Today the force of social media marketing along with search marketing cannot be ignored. It  legitimate source of revenue for companies engaging the masses. Search is very much part of a company’s efforts to get visibility, but it is not the only way to promote the products and services you have to offer. The SEO company UK offers a comprehensive digital marketing plan to benefit your business efforts.

It is not so much about selling all the time. It is about offering value and a unique experience for the savvy customers that are on the different social media channels. 

Let’s Look Through Some Statistics From 2008-2014 

Let’s start with the biggest social network, Facebook, to date. Here is a timeline according to of the worldwide number of active users from 2008 to 2014 for Facebook: 

We can see here how Facebook has continued to rise incredibly fast, and the figures are astronomical with 1.35 billion active monthly users (AMU). Just think of the outreach when conducting marketing campaigns for Businesses. Facebook has an incredible ads system that helps you target different niche markets from around the globe.

Considering Other Social Media Platforms

Though Facebook is the largest and does have the #1 traffic factor, offer voucher codes for newcomers, it is followed in second place by Twitter. Facebook may seem like the only choice for social media marketing but the microblogging site is yet another platform to use in order to reach specific and potential customers.

Facebook benefited from acquiring Instagram for a number of reasons and a highlights ten reasons.

LinkedIn, Google plus, Pinterest and a few other platforms are diversifying their efforts developing services and products for their user base. Could one of them overtake Facebook sometime as a top social media platform in the near future? The answer remains unchanged, but the company´s strategy of buying start-ups at times has made it up to now the number social network.  


Digital Media Journalist! Existing contributor for Examiner and Social Media Today with a track record for web news. A former freelance writer for CBS Local Minnesota. Writing and reporting on the latest social media happenings.
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