The Effects Of and How to Treat Bruxism

The Effects Of and How to Treat Bruxism
Chris Grasso

Have you ever heard of bruxism? Chances are that you have. As a matter of fact, experts believe that more than 50% of adult Americans suffer with bruxism nightly. So, what does this term mean? Bruxism is the term used to describe unknowingly grinding your teeth at night. While most people may think that grinding teeth isn’t a major issue, over a long-term period of time, bruxism can be incredibly damaging to teeth. Today, we’re going to discuss some of the damaging effects of bruxism as well as the best way to go about solving the problem. So, let’s get right to it.

Damaging Effects Of Grinding Teeth At Night

Dull Teeth – Do you enjoy steak? Well, if you have bruxism and leave it untreated, you may not be able to enjoy steak for much longer. That’s because in order to eat steak, your teeth need to be sharp enough to cut it. Unfortunately, over time, those who grind their teeth find it harder and harder to eat their favorite foods because they have slowly dulled their teeth.

Cracked or Broken Teeth – It’s not uncommon for someone with bruxism to crack or break a tooth overnight. If you think about it, that’s not hard to imagine. The average human being has a bite force of about 120 pounds. People who grind their teeth at night bite down full force and move their jaw side to side, rubbing the top teeth against the bottom. Over time, this pressure and friction is sure to do damage. In some cases, those who have broken or cracked a tooth overnight due to grinding, the dentist will be able to save the tooth. However, in many cases, saving the tooth is impossible. However, by treating bruxism early, this entire situation can be avoided.

Tooth Movement – Another common effect experienced by those who grind their teeth is the movement of their teeth over time. Because of the enormous pressure and friction being placed on the teeth while grinding, often times, perfectly aligned teeth will slowly move out of place.

Sleep Doesn’t Feel Like Sleep – If you’re a grinder, chances are that you wake up quite a bit feeling like you haven’t gotten enough rest. That’s because the loud grinding sound won’t let you get to the deep sleep stage!

The Best Way To Treat Bruxism

The good news is that treating bruxism is incredibly simple. As a matter of fact, the best way to start treating the problem is to sleep with a mouth guard. I know, it may sound uncomfortable, but speaking from experience, I can tell you that you actually end up getting a more fulfilling night’s sleep after the first week or so. The key here is finding the right mouth guard. Personally, I like the options offered at I’ve used the over-the-counter options, but they never seem to fit right; and the one time I got one to fit, I chewed through it in less than a month. So, finding a mouth guard that is made to fit properly and durable enough to combat the problem long-term is crucial.

Final Thoughts

Grinding your teeth at night isn’t just annoying to your partner, it’s damaging your teeth every day it goes untreated! The good news is that you don’t have to deal with dull, cracked, or broken teeth. By using a quality mouth guard, you'll be able to combat the problem and finally realize a full-night’s sleep.

Chris Grasso
Chris Grasso
Chris is a freelance writer who also enjoy going fishing. He enjoys the sunshine and all kinds of outdoor activities. Email Chris at [email protected]