The 3 Types of People to Avoid Hiring

The 3 Types of People to Avoid Hiring
There are certain people that will hurt your company and just make your life plain miserable at work. Photo from Mark Nestmann.
Song Woo

The irony of running a professional staffing firm is that it is more challenging for me to find talent for our firm than it is to find talent for our clients; and it’s not even close.  When a client calls us to fill an urgent need, we can usually turn around and find someone for them within 48 hours.  So the natural assumption is that I should be able to do that for myself, but that’s not the case.  Fortunately for me, I have never had to hire someone within a narrow time frame.  I’ve had the luxury of taking as long as I wanted to or needed to find the right fit.  Admittedly, I can’t say that all of my hires have worked out perfectly.  If I had been perfect, I'd be on a tropical island right now sipping pina coladas; but alas, I am only human.  The good thing about being human is that you can learn from your mistakes.  From the mistakes that I’ve made, I’ve learned that there are certain people that will hurt your company and just make your life plain miserable at work.  Here are three types of employees you need to avoid hiring at all cost:

1. The Debbie Downer - Nothing kills morale more than someone who is always negative and pessimistic.  Every company goes through its ups and downs but the more positive people you have on board, the easier it is to navigate through rough waters.  You want people who'll embrace challenges and look at things as half full instead of half empty.  These individuals will make excuses and find acceptable reasons to fail.  Whatever it is, it’s never their fault.  They will try and convince you to expect a negative outcome.  You don’t need that.  This breeds a losing mentality and culture.

2. The Lone Ranger - When you’re building a team, you need everyone onboard to be on the same page.  Having someone out on an island disrupts the team concept.  You can’t have a set of rules for one person and another set of rules for the rest of the team.  This creates dissension and resentment.  Before you know it, you‘ll have a fragmented team.  Collaboration becomes nearly impossible when you have a disjointed team.  If the team concept is important to your business, you have to hire people who’ll embrace teamwork. 

3. The Pot Stirrer - This individual is trickier to spot.  They are usually well liked and very charismatic.  These people are your typical front runners.  When things are going well, they are extremely positive and fun to be around.  However, when something isn’t quite to their liking, even the most meaningless thing can send them down the path to negativity; but they‘ll do it in a more subtle manner when you aren’t looking.  They’ll pull one person aside and complain.  They'll grab another person to complain even more, gathering as much momentum as possible to try and make changes that are more self-serving than what’s really good for the team overall.  You don’t want this type of virus infecting your organization.

The difficult part about hiring is that it’s hard to uncover these characteristics in a typical interview setting.  You can spend a lot of time with these candidates to learn as much about them as possible and still not be able to see these traits.  However, the instant they display any red flags pertaining to these characteristics, you should avoid them no matter how talented they seem to be.  I’ve learned that talent alone can’t mask these negative attributes.  I’ve made the mistake of letting the allure of talent override the red flags and hired someone that my gut said not to hire.  Hiring is a combination of art and science. You are not going to hit a home run on every hire but you definitely need to avoid striking out.  

Song Woo
Song Woo
Song Woo, President and CEO of Lighthouse Management Group is an award winning staffing & recruiting industry executive and employment expert. Featured in both print and electronic media for expertise in employment trends and career management. Recently honored in the San Jose Business Journal’s “40 under 40” list of 40 high performing executives under the age of 40 to watch and tabbed as a "Rising Star". In addition, Lighthouse Management Group has also been honored as the #1 Fastest Growing Private Company in Silicon Valley.
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