Text Messaging Increasingly Popular to Promote Quitting the CCP

Text Messaging Increasingly Popular to Promote Quitting the CCP
Following the messages written on Chinese currency, text messaging has become the new trend to promote The Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party (The Nine Commentaries) and resignations from the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and its affiliates. (Cancan Chu/Getty Images)

Following the messages written on Chinese currency, text messaging has become the new trend to promote The Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party (The Nine Commentaries) and resignations from the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and its affiliates. It’s becoming increasingly popular throughout the whole country.

Recently, quite a number of mainland Chinese informed The Epoch Times that along with their friends and families, they received a lot of text messages around Christmas time about The Nine Commentaries and quitting the CCP. In addition to the text, the messages also contained audio and visual enhancements, which were quite surprising to the receivers. Many resigned from CCP and its affiliated organizations using this approach.

An Internet user from the city of Wuxi received a special message with animation and Christmas songs from overseas. This is what he told The Epoch Times:

“Merry Christmas! So vast are heaven and earth; whither do people go? Lost, the way is obscured; Let truth be the compass. When disaster descends, it favors neither the rich nor poor. But there is a way out—Quickly find what is true! Please press 1 to quit CCP, press 2 to quit CCP’s Youth League (CYL), press 3 to quit CCP’s Young Pioneer League (CYP)...”

Because of the Christmas song, he sent it as a group text message to his friends. Some of his friends replied: “Smart, that’s really clever.”

He mentioned that an Internet friend helped him to quit the CYL and CYP organizations while they were chatting online two years ago. Later on, his parents saw the message: “Quit the CCP to save your life; enforce justice on behalf of heaven” written on Chinese currency and believed that it was divine intervention. They declared their resignations from the CCP and its affiliated organizations, together with 20 other relatives.

The Internet user from Wuxi said, “In the past, the best way to criticize the CCP was to put up posters on walls, and very few people could see them. Now, being in the information era, people use many kinds of media to express their strong feelings toward the CCP. They are able to tell the truth about it on the Internet, write messages on money, and send text messages. Though the people who have received the truth won’t say anything, they actually know that it is an inevitability that the CCP will step down from the stage of history.”

A Beijing-based Falun Gong practitioner sent text messages about stopping the persecution of fellow Falun Gong practitioners, and got a reply of “OK!” from an official of the local 610 office, a reply of “Got it!” from the head of a local detention center.

The Falun Gong practitioner explained, “Mobile phones are more private than landlines, and the messages can be saved so that receivers will have some time to think about it. Since most cell phones are for personal use, the messages can be targeted at the receivers, thus, carrying more power. There are currently 500 million cell phone users in mainland China. Text messaging will have an enormous impact, exposing the evil nature of the CCP and awakening the public’s consciousness of the irresistible trend of quitting the CCP.”

A Beijing petitioner recently told The Epoch Times that they have been receiving text messages about The Nine Commentaries , quitting CCP, and exposure of the CCP’s persecution of Falun Gong practitioners for quite a while now. According to the link in the message, they found the Dajiyuan (The Epoch Times Chinese Edition) website. They were able to get to know a lot more information that they could have never known from the website. They all declared they would quit CCP soon afterwards.

A Liaoning petitioner got a Skype link from the text messaging, and then downloaded an Internet blockade breaking software. Using the software, he was able to watch the Internet transmission of NTDTV’s Holiday Wonders show on New Year’s day and other videos, such as “We Tell the Future” and “False Fire at Tiananmen Square.” He said, “If all Chinese people could watch these videos today, the CCP would be gone tomorrow.” He sent the Skype link to his Internet friends on QQ, and formed a human rights group.

“No matter what kind of methods the CCP uses to block messages about quitting the CCP and its affiliated organizations, the efforts are in vain. The impact of text messaging can hardly be exaggerated,” said the Liaoning petitioner.