Texas Sheriff: ‘Polls Are Overwhelming’ in Concern About Election Integrity

Texas Sheriff: ‘Polls Are Overwhelming’ in Concern About Election Integrity
NTD Television

Large grassroots protests have been taking place since the general elections, in all 50 states across the nation, and they have continued on even in states where the results have not been contested.

Tarrant County Sheriff Bill Waybourn attended one such Stop the Steal rally in Dallas, Texas on Dec. 19.

“I think the number one concern, and the polls are overwhelming on it, is that people are concerned about the elections in those five key states, and that there was some corruption and that there was some problems with it. And I think they just want to know the truth,” he said.

“What I’m here about as as as as a law man, as a rule of law issue, is that the way that we have unity in this country is we all agree with what the laws are, and we uphold the laws, and they’re just and they’re fair. So I think that’s all these people want, is this. They’re not afraid of the truth, whatever that truth is,” he said.

He approved of President Donald Trump’s efforts to root out corruption and expose election fraud.

“He needs to continue the battle of trying to look under every rock, look around every corner, and see where some of those issues were,” he said. “And what I would encourage his team to do is,  they’ve got lots of witnesses, what we need to put on the table is physical evidence and that’s above my paygrade.”

He had words of support for everyday citizens as well.

“Don’t stop praying for our country, continue to encourage the looking under rocks. And continue to just know that America is still America, and we’re not letting go,” he said. “God bless the Texans, because we’re gonna stay in the gap regardless if anybody doesn’t.”

With reporting by Jason Perry.