Texas Mom Who Gave Birth to Sextuplets Provides an Update

Texas Mom Who Gave Birth to Sextuplets Provides an Update
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Jack Phillips

A mother in Texas who gave birth to sextuplets in March 2019 was all smiles in the latest update on the children.

“I have always looked forward to getting pregnant, so when it came, I embraced it with all the love I have,” Themla Chiaka said, ABC13 reported.

The odds of having sextuplets are slim: one in 4.7 billion.

ABC13 reported that one of her babies is already at home, but the five others need more time in the NICU ward. They will be released over the coming weeks.

“I feel blessed having such beautiful babies. Mother’s Day has been an awesome experience for me,” said Chiaka.

Chiaka spent just nine minutes delivering all six children. The six babies weighed about two pounds each.

The children are named Zuriel, Zina, Kamsi, Kaeto, Kachi, and Kaobi, the report noted. They were two sets of twin boy and a set of twin girls.

“Miss Thelma, she was a champion because she kept her smile until the last minute. She had her smile all over the pregnancy and it wasn’t an easy pregnancy on her, but she did wonderful,” said Dr. Ziad Haidar with the Women’s Hospital of Texas.

Chiaka delivered the children on March 15 at around 4 a.m. local time.

“The babies were born at weights ranging from one pound, 12 ounces and two pounds, 14 ounces,” hospital officials said, People reported. “They are in stable condition and will continue to receive care in the hospital’s advanced neonatal intensive care unit.”

Social media users were quick to congratulate the mother.

“Woooooow this is miraculous, mama your [sic] are really blessed. congratulations be strong happy always,” one person wrote, according to People magazine.

Another said, “I could not imagine giving birth to 6 babies but at least you can say your [sic] done now and get the baby stages all over at one time! Congrats momma I bet their [sic] all gorgeous.”

“Go get a powerball ticket with that kind of luck you could be the next half a billionaire,” another said, referring to the odds of giving birth to sextuplets.

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Meanwhile, in 1997, septuplets were born in Iowa to Kenny and Bobbi McCaughey. They were the world’s first surviving septuplets.
“It will definitely be different and weird, but I feel that it will be good for us to get out of our comfort zone and meet new people,” Kelsey, one of the siblings said after graduating high school several years ago, NBC News reported.

“I honestly think it will be good for all of us to be on our separate ways,” Kenny, another sibling, said at the time.

“I am not worried about not seeing everyone that much. We have been around each other the past 18 years. I am ready to be on my way, and I think everyone else is, too.”

Brandon, another one, said at the time he’s going to the U.S. Army.

“It will be a little different being without all my siblings,” he told the news outlet. “But it won’t be bad since I’ll have contact with them. I think I will have a good experience being on my own, with my new military family. I have been taught to work for the things I want, and to not expect others to do anything for me. That helps with military life because I will need to do everything on my own, with no help at all from others.”

Jack Phillips
Jack Phillips
Breaking News Reporter
Jack Phillips is a breaking news reporter with 15 years experience who started as a local New York City reporter. Having joined The Epoch Times' news team in 2009, Jack was born and raised near Modesto in California's Central Valley. Follow him on X: https://twitter.com/jackphillips5
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