Texas Man Allegedly Shoots Neighbor After Her Dog Ran in His Yard

Texas Man Allegedly Shoots Neighbor After Her Dog Ran in His Yard
Ana Weed Supplied
Epoch Newsroom

A Texas man is accused of shooting and killing his neighbor after her dog ran into his yard, with the suspect claiming it was an act of self-defense.

Hector Campos, who was jailed and then released after posting a $50,000 bond, was charged with murder in the death of Ana Weed, CBS News reported.

Campos and Weed lived next to each other in Houston and got into an argument on their front yards after her dog ran onto his property. Weed went to get her dog while Campos allegedly grabbed a gun and then shot her, CBS reported.

As KHOU reported, Campos claimed self-defense in the shooting. His attorney, Jon Parchman, said Weed assaulted him with a “two-handed shove.” Campos also apparently felt threatened by something Weed was holding in her hand.

(Houston Police Department)
Houston Police Department

Parchman elaborated, saying Weed’s children taunted him, called him, names and threatened to “mess” Campos up.

But her family has denied those allegations. 

“This is a very nice family, and I just think it’s a huge loss for the family. We ask that everyone keep them in their prayers,” said friend Paul Ilunga.

“This is clearly an act of retaliation. That is the family’s position. That is my position,” said Charles Johnson, Jr., an attorney who is acting as a spokesman for the family, ABC13 reported. “And Mrs. Weed paid the ultimate price.”

Parchman told the ABC affiliate that Weed was holding a roll of tape in her hand and was “going for [Campos’] neck.”

“A five-foot-two woman with a roll of tape? I don’t think she deserves that level of force against her,” Johnson said.