Texas Judge Lifts Order on Keystone Pipeline

A Texas judge has lifted the order to stop work on the Keystone XL Pipeline on Thursday.
Texas Judge Lifts Order on Keystone Pipeline

A Texas judge has lifted the order to stop work on the Keystone XL Pipeline Thursday.

Judge Jack Sinz lifted the temporary order after a hearing in Nacogdoches County, Texas, reported The Associated Press.

Nacogdoches landowner Michael Bishop filed suit against TransCanada, the builders of the 1,700-milelong pipeline from the Gulf of Mexico to Canada, claiming that the company lied to him.

He claimed that TransCanada said that only crude oil would pass through the line, which crosses his land in eastern Texas, when in actuality oil sands crude would also be transferred.

“TransCanada executives may be smirking over Judge Sinz’s ruling today, but they’ve got another thing coming if they think I'll just roll over for its dirty pipeline,” Bishop said in a statement obtained by AP Thursday. 

TransCanada attorney James Freeman attacked Bishop Thursday, telling the judge, “He shook our hand, cashed our check and then turned around and sued us,” according to the Dallas Observer.

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