Temporary Tunnel Toll Collector Charged for Stealing $25,000

Temporary Tunnel Toll Collector Charged for Stealing $25,000
Catherine Yang

The Kings County District Attorney announced Wednesday a temporary toll collector at the Hugh L. Carey tunnel (formerly Brooklyn-Battery) has been charged with stealing almost $25,000 in cash, replacing it with counterfeit bills.

“Public tolls are supposed to go into the public treasury – not the pockets of the toll collector. We simply cannot allow employees in positions of trust to rip off the public that they are supposed to serve,” stated District Attorney Kenneth Thompson.

Jonathan Germain, the defendant, is a 22-years-old man living in East Flatbush. Germain was arraigned and released without bail, ordered to return to court Sept. 9. He faces 15 years in prison in convicted.

According to Thompson, Germain removed a total of $24,270 over ten shifts. 

The case was investigated by Special Investigators Orrin Prince and Jose Vasquez of the Internal Security Department of the Metropolitan Transit Authority Bridges and Tunnels.