Temporary Actors Prearranged for CCP Premier Inspection

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The premier of the State Council of China, Li Keqiang, made an inspection visit to Chongqing, where severe floods were experienced, but CCP media was low-key when reporting it. This sparkled concerns. In addition, it is suspected that the “victims” who met with Li Keqiang were said to be pre-arranged actors.

On the morning of August 20, Li Keqiang flew to Chongqing to inspect Shuangba Village in Tongnan District, Chongqing, where flooding was severe. But this news was nowhere to be seen on state-run media. The news was reported on the same day by the official website of the State Council but it was retrieved the next day. There was only one report with the headline of “Li Keqiang’s Flood Inspection in Chongqing” on the page of Premier on the official website. The report contained only one single video without any explanation in words. This phenomenon sparkled discussion.