Telus First Canadian Company to Receive World Philanthropic award

Telus Corporation is the first Canadian company to be named the world’s most philanthropic corporation of the year.
Telus First Canadian Company to Receive World Philanthropic award
The TELUS World of Science geodesic dome in Vancouver. Robert Giroux/Getty Images
<a><img src="" alt="The TELUS World of Science geodesic dome in Vancouver.  (Robert Giroux/Getty Images )" title="The TELUS World of Science geodesic dome in Vancouver.  (Robert Giroux/Getty Images )" width="320" class="size-medium wp-image-1823600"/></a>
The TELUS World of Science geodesic dome in Vancouver.  (Robert Giroux/Getty Images )
OTTAWA—Telus Corporation received praise from the federal government this week after the telecom giant became the first Canadian company to be named the world’s most philanthropic corporation of the year by a global fundraising group.

Industry Minister Tony Clement congratulated the company for winning the Arlington, Virginia-based Association of Fundraising Professionals’ (AFP) 2010 Freeman Philanthropic Services Award for Outstanding Corporation.

“I was impressed with the number and range of approaches that TELUS has implemented to achieve merit this award. I hope that other Canadian companies might learn from, and emulate, these innovative methods,” said Mr. Clement in a statement on Wednesday.

Under the motto “We Give Where We Live,” since 2000 Telus, its employees, and retirees have given $158 million to charitable and not-for-profit groups, and volunteered more than 3 million hours of local community service.

They contributed $24 million last year to a variety of causes including children’s hospitals, food banks, military family funds, diabetes research, and disadvantaged parents’ and at-risk youth’s programs.

Paulette V. Maehara, president and CEO of AFP, commended the company in particular for its “demonstrated commitment to employee involvement through their charitable giving and volunteerism programs.”

Last year, Telus matched dollar for dollar donations made by its employees and retirees to over 50,000 charities across Canada.

Individual employees and retirees who log at least 50 hours of volunteer time are eligible to apply for a $200 community grant to a charity of their choice.

More than 9,100 people worked on about 175 volunteer projects across the country on the annual Telus Day of Service in 2009.

Nine Telus Community Boards, located in Victoria, Vancouver, Edmonton, Calgary, Ottawa, Toronto, Montreal, Rimouski, and Atlantic Canada, guide the company’s local community investment and philanthropic giving.

The boards bring together community and business leaders and Telus employees to ensure that fundraising decisions effectively serve local needs and priorities.

Their three areas of focus include arts and culture, education and sports, and health and wellbeing in our environment.

Some of the causes that Telus has supported include Scouts Canada, Junior Achievement, Canadian National Institute for the Blind, Meal Exchange, Multicultural Arts for Schools and Communities, Pacific Assistance Dogs Society, Alpine Canada Alpin, I CAN Play Soccer, Scientists in Schools, Marine Biotechnology Research Centre, and Domaine l’Amitié Inc.