Teenager Who Witnessed His Father’s Murder Found Alive in Miami Basement

Teenager Who Witnessed His Father’s Murder Found Alive in Miami Basement
John Smithies

A 15-year-old boy who went missing after witnessing his father’s murder over a year ago has been found in a basement in Miami.

Jacob Caldwell, originally from Ohio, hadn’t been seen since Aug. 21, 2017, six days after he witnessed his father Robert Caldwell being shot.

Jacob ran away from his grandparent’s home in Sugarcreek Township on the night of his father’s funeral, according to WKEF.

Police said they found the teenager at a home in Miami Township, Ohio, on Monday, Aug. 27, with four adults unrelated to him.

Authorities were tipped off after a woman called the police with “very credible” information on his location.

Jacob was reportedly in good health and was not being held against his will, according to Sugarcreek Township Police Chief Michael Brown.

“There was no evidence of him being secured or locked in. I think he could have roamed throughout the house if he wished,” Brown said at a press conference on Tuesday, Aug. 28.

He added, “It was our understanding that he was not outside much. He’s gone a year without school. He’s gone a year without socializing with friends.”

Police are holding the teen at Greene County Juvenile Detention Center on a warrant from a previous runaway incident in Beavercreek.

Family Member Involved

Brown said that the case had been on investigators’ minds “every day” but that they believed Caldwell was not in danger.

“We always felt that he was fine, we had a feeling, a really strong feeling that it was a family member involved in him being missing,” WKEF reported.

Robert Caldwell called 911 weeks before his death in 2017, saying he felt in fear of his life.

In a recording of the call to dispatchers in Greene County he can be heard saying, “I have got a guy chasing me over here on Sutton in Jamestown, and he just tried to lure me, I’m assuming he’s trying to kill me.”

Shortly before his death, Caldwell had won custody of his children from ex-wife Tawnney, his brother Tyler said.

“Once he got full custody, that’s when all of this happened,” Tyler told Fox 45. “This isn’t some street battle with two bad guys, it was a guy that just literally dotted every ‘i’ and crossed every ’t.'”

Authorities say Tawnney Caldwell’s ex-boyfriend Sterling Roberts shot Robert Caldwell after stalking him through a cellphone.

Other family members have also been indicted for aiding and abetting the killing, including Robert Caldwell’s brother Christopher and half-brother Chance Deakin. Tawnney Caldwell’s mother and stepfather James and Chandram Harmon have also been indicted.

Brown said that the four adults Jacob Caldwell had been living with were associates of Tawnney Caldwell. He said that police are aiming to charge the four who could have helped Jacob to go missing.

John Smithies
John Smithies
A journalist for The EpochTimes based in London. These views are firmly my own.
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