Swamy tweets to Tarek Fatah: Pakistan will be split into four for bloody games

Swamy tweets to Tarek Fatah: Pakistan will be split into four for bloody games
Ahmar Mustikhan

One of India’s ruling BJP radical ideologues and Harvard-educated politician has gone one step ahead of Indian National Security adviser Ajit Doval and has warned Pakistan this time around she will be divided in four pieces if she does not allow India to live in peace.

Dr Subramanian Swamy, well-known economist and former cabinet minister, who is from Tamil Nadu and is revered by Baloch seeking freedom from Pakistan, in response to a tweet by renowned intellectual and Toronto-based author, Tarek Fatah, tweeted, “If Pakistan continues to bleed India then as 1971 when split Pakistan into two this time into four.”

Tarek Fatah had tweeted to Swamy asking about his statement regarding his call for support to the Balochistan cause. “Can u share it in English?” Tarek Fatah requested. In a subsequent tweet to Tarek Fatah, Swamy also pointed out from Hindu mythology the links between Hinduism and Balochistan.

Swamy said, “Kaikeyi was Princess of greater Iran. Her one son was Governor of Baluchistan. If you accept that we are bound together.” Kaikeyi is mentioned in the Hindu epic, Ramayani. Swamy’s tweet about Kaiyeki and Balochistan followed another request by Tarek Fatah is which he included a tweet based on The Independent story that said Pakistan has left behind Saudi Arabia by executing 150 people.

One Hindu, who does not like Tarek Fatah’s stand against Hindu extremism, tried to warn Dr Swamy and accused Tarek Fatah of playing double game. “From one hand he ask for help from India and then criticize Hindu org VHP n RSS.” But Dr Swamy cooly replied, “@omprabhu @TarekFatah : Churchill did not agree 100% with Stalin. But to finish Hitler they were together.”

However, because of his outspoken views on issues, like denying voting rights to those Muslims who are unwilling to accept their Hindu heritage, Dr Swamy is looked upon as a rabble rouser and loose cannon by many within the BJP and even Prime Minister Narendra Modi is said to be wary of his style. Others say Dr Swamy has a point since it is high time Muslims stop taking pride over the massacre of 100 million Hindus in India over eight centuries of forays and genocide. To this day, many Pakistani Muslims are taught to believe one Muslim can beat 10 Hindus.

Dr Swamy along with Nitin Gadkari, union transport minister, and some other BJP leaders are said to be big time sympathizers of the Balochistan liberation movement. However, they have yet to openly and publicly meet with Balochistan freedom leaders based in Geneva and London. Last week Dr Udit Raj, member of the Lok Sabha, told this correspondent at Capitol Hill he will raise the issue of Balochistan in the Indian parliament.

Tarek Fatah, who is also a darling in the eyes of Baloch seeking independence from Pakistan, has worked to raise the profile of Balochistan in Canada, Europe and South Asia. He has also visited Israel to lecture Israeli scholars and policy makers that they should realize the grave danger of Pakistan’s nuclear weapons instead of just harping on the dangers from Teheran.

Later on Tarek Fatah thanked Dr Swamy and tweeted, “As we say in Urdu, ‘Aap key moo mein ghee shaker’,” by which he meant to say Dr Swamy may have happiness with a sweet mouth--like one feels after eating good chocolate-- for supporting a just cause.

Dr Swamy’s tweets come at a time when Pakistan army is pondering to crush the Baloch liberation movement like Sri Lanka crushed the Tamils to make way for the controversial China Pakistan Economic Corridor to connect Gwadar with Kashgar.  Pakistan is said to have identified 135 Sarmachar or freedom fighters training camps in Balochistan in Pakistan, two dozen in Baloch areas in Afghanistan and two in Baloch areas in Iran.

Balochistan, a huge territory on the northern side of Straits of Hormuz, was left divided by the British in three: a huge chunk of land the size of New Mexico was left with Pakistan, another huge chunk the size of Nevada as given to Iran and a smaller area the size of West Virginia is in Afghanistan.

Many months ago, Indian national security adviser Ajit Doval warned Pakistan that in case of a repeat of the Mumbai terror attack of November 26, 2008 India will liberate Balochistan. However, many in the Balochistan freedom camp say India is acting rather sluggishly at a time of great urgency for the Baloch people to keep China out of Gwadar. On his part, Tarek Fatah has counselled Indian government not to wait for another Mumbai, but to help Balochistan freedom leaders Baloch Liberation Front chief Dr Allah Nazar, Brahumdagh Bugti and Mehran Marri on a war footing.

Just last week  Pakistan with the help of China got two African NGOs, African Technical Association and African Technology Development Link that helped raise the Balochistan and Gilgit-Baltistan issues ousted from the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva.

According to The News International, Pakistan official Dr Diyar Khan from Permanent Mission of Pakistan at the UN complained to Jorge Dotta, Minister-Counsellor and Permanent Mission of Uruguay and chair of the NGO Committee that unsubstantiated charges were made in speeches against Pakistan on the floor of the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva. Dr Khan works under Maleeha Lodhi, who was said to have been handpicked by army chief General Raheel Sharif to head the Pakistan mission in New York, even though she is highly disliked by Premier Nawaz Sharif.

Such actions against civil society organizations happen often at the United Nations at the drop of a hat, because corruption is reportedly rampant there. US taxpayers bankroll major portion of the UN expenses.

Journalist who has worked as copy editor, reporter, opinion writer, news analyst in newsrooms in Pakistan, the UAE and the US. Focus of writings on Balochistan, Islamic extremism, environment, and persecution of Hindus and Christians in Pakistan. Oddly, I have had three nationalities: Burmese, Pakistani and American. Firmly believe I should also have a fourth one called Balochistan and am writing for it everyday, even Sundays.
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