Study: Oil and Gas Industry Supported 2.5 Million Texas Jobs; 11.3 Million Nationally

Study: Oil and Gas Industry Supported 2.5 Million Texas Jobs; 11.3 Million Nationally
A pump jack is seen at an oil extraction site in Cotulla, Texas, on March 12, 2019. (Loren Elliott/AFP via Getty Images)
The Center Square

Texas’ oil and natural gas industry supported more than 2.5 million total jobs statewide in 2019, a new analysis found, contributing the most to the state’s GDP and total income of any industry.

Texas’ oil and gas industry contributed $411.6 billion to the state’s gross domestic product, including $251.2 billion to the state’s total labor income in 2019, the report found.

The findings show how the oil and gas industry plays an “indispensable role … in providing jobs and investment that benefits every community and all Texans,” Texas Oil and Gas Association President Todd Staples said in a statement. The industry provides the socio-economic “underlying foundation of Texas public school, university, and public infrastructure funding,” he added, contributing the most to school districts and higher learning institutions in the state.

The industry will also serve as the foundation for long-term growth and prosperity in Texas, American Petroleum Institute President and CEO Mike Sommers said, as long as policies remain in place to enable it to grow.

“Texas’s economic outlook is brighter when we are leading the world in energy production,” he said, reminding lawmakers about “what’s at stake if policymakers restrict access to affordable, reliable energy and make us more dependent on foreign sources.”

The 134-page report, which evaluated the oil and natural gas industry’s impact on Texas’s economy, was conducted by PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC). The report is based on the latest economic data available from several government agencies.

According to the findings, in 2019, the industry, directly and indirectly, supported more than 2.5 million jobs (620,330 direct and 1,888,540 indirect) or 13.9 percent of Texas’ total employment. For every direct job in the oil and natural gas industry, an additional 3.5 jobs were created.

The industry also contributed 22 percent to the state’s total income and to its GDP.

It contributed $251.2 billion in labor income ($134.3 billion direct and $116.9 billion indirect), accounting for 21.8 percent of the state’s total income. It also contributed $411.5 billion to Texas’s gross domestic product ($230.9 billion direct and $180.6 billion indirect), accounting for 22.3 percent of the state’s total.

In 2019, the United States led the world in oil and natural gas production, with Texas leading the nation.

Nationally, the oil and gas industry supported more than 11.3 million total jobs (2.5 million direct and 8.8 million indirect), accounting for 5.6 percent of all U.S. employment in 2019. It also produced $892.7 billion in labor income ($318.6 billion direct, $574.1 billion indirect), or 6.8 percent of the nation’s total labor income.

The industry also contributed $1.7 trillion to the national gross domestic product ($763.3 billion direct, $925.3 billion indirect), accounting for 7.9 percent of the national total.

By Bethany Blankley
The Center Square was launched in May 2019 to fulfill the need for high-quality statehouse and statewide news across the United States. The focus of our work is state- and local-level government and economic reporting.
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