‘Stop the Steal’ Coalition Opposes ‘Botched’ Electoral College

Kevin Hogan

“Stop the Steal” director Ali Alexander joined the Tea Party Patriots and Trump Electors at the nation’s Capitol on Tuesday. They claim that fraud and government abuse robbed the fairness of the electoral process.

On Monday, the Michigan State Police blocked the state’s Republican Electors from entering the State Capitol after the GOP electors convened a few blocks away. They held a caucus and certified votes for Trump. Then, in 29-degree weather, the electors marched over to the Capitol, escorted by 5 state representatives. They say they were following the state statute.

“If the fake news and the leftist Democrats and even the deep state never-Trumper Republicans and the media and big tech, if they think that voters who have been disenfranchised and who do not trust our election system right now are going to just go away, if they think that we’re going to just roll over after what we’ve witnessed has happened and that we’re ever going to trust our elections again, they’re wrong,” said Meshawn Maddock, a Michigan Republican elector.