Stop Talking With Communist China, Start Defending America

Stop Talking With Communist China, Start Defending America
U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken (4th L) attends a meeting with Chinese leader Xi Jinping (R) at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing on June 19, 2023. Xi hosted Blinken for talks in Beijing on June 19, capping two days of high-level talks by the U.S. secretary of state with Chinese officials. (Leah Millis/Pool/AFP/Getty Images)
Peter Navarro

Veni, vidi, vici. Secretary of State Antony Blinken came to Beijing, saw and kowtowed to Xi Jinping, and yet another American diplomat was conquered by communist China’s “endless delay” negotiating strategy.

I know this negotiating strategy all too well from my four years in the Trump White House trying to negotiate an end to Beijing’s unfair trade, cyber attacks on the United States, suppression of Hong Kong, and various other forms of aggression and Chinese imperialism. Indeed, on more than one occasion, I sat across the table from stone-faced diplomatic dalliers—and Xi himself—knowing that their only goal was to induce more delay in any definitive U.S. action.

In his latest display of diplomacy, the deepness of Blinken’s kowtow was startling. Blinken needlessly renounced any U.S. support for Taiwan’s independence. He also made the absurd claim, despite abundant evidence to the contrary, that “China’s broad economic success is also in our interest.”

Memo to the Biden administration: Communist China continues its relentless economic aggression against the United States, which has already lost tens of thousands of factories and millions of jobs to what I’ve accurately described as China’s “seven deadly sins.”

These sins begin with the relentless hacking of American businesses, government, and, yes, personal computers. They include massive intellectual property theft, counterfeiting and piracy, the forced transfer of American technology in exchange for market access to China, equally massive government subsidies that cripple the ability of American businesses to compete fairly, Chinese state-owned enterprises that use predatory pricing to crush foreign competitors, and highly corrosive currency manipulation.

Last, and most deadly, communist China continues to export tons upon tons and barrels upon barrels of the toxic chemicals used by the Mexican drug cartels to produce the fentanyl that’s now killing more than 50,000 Americans per year.

In the face of this relentless aggression, there’s really nothing to negotiate about on the economy. If communist China doesn’t immediately cease this aggression, the United States must equally immediately begin to decouple—not “de-risk and diversify” as the Biden administration would have it.

Along these lines, there’s also nothing to negotiate with respect to the Trump tariffs I helped design. They remain in place and, if anything, should be raised and extended to other products. These Trump tariffs must endure because communist China continues to commit its seven deadly sins of economic aggression.

As for Xi’s arming of the Russian military to crush Ukraine, Blinken tip-toed around it. This is nothing short of tragic because here’s the real game afoot: Xi’s cooperation with Vladimir Putin’s Russian Bear is his own quid pro quo for Russian support of what will inevitably be communist China’s invasion of Taiwan. That’s inevitable unless Taiwan “peacefully” submits to going under the Chinese boot.

There’s likewise nothing to negotiate with respect to communist China’s human rights abuses. The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is committed to cultural genocide and ethnic cleansing in Xinjiang and Tibet, and it'll brook no interference whatsoever in this brutality—even as it censures Christians and slaughters Falun Gong practitioners.

Of course, if American negotiators even dare raise this particular issue, the CCP will throw back in our face all of the various racial and religious divides in our country, as if there were any moral equivalence in communist China. There isn’t!

Finally, there are the very alarming issues of a massive spy balloon that flew across our country’s sensitive military installations and the incredibly dangerous Cuban fortress that China is now building—neither was even mentioned in Blinken’s presser.

This was a huge oversight as the Cuba fort, in particular, poses an existential threat. It'll be used not just to monitor American communications and surveil our shipping traffic but also to facilitate offensive cyber and electronic warfare attacks against our networks and infrastructure should our two countries ever go on a war footing, for example, over Taiwan. Here, we should simply tell communist China to get the Hades out of Cuba and don’t expect anything in return.

Follow Peter Navarro at, where this article originally appeared.
Views expressed in this article are opinions of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of The Epoch Times.
Peter Navarro holds a doctorate in economics from Harvard. One of only three senior White House officials to serve with Donald Trump from the 2016 campaign to the end of his term, Navarro was chief China hawk and manufacturing czar. His White House memoirs are “In Trump Time" and "Taking Back Trump’s America.” Follow Navarro at
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