Staten Island Waterfront Gets $150 Million Revamp

Mayor Bloomberg announced on Wednesday that the city has secured a commitment to revamp Staten Island Waterfront.
Staten Island Waterfront Gets $150 Million Revamp
NEW YORK—In the continuing effort to revive the local economy and spruce up local neighborhoods, Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg announced on Wednesday that the city has secured a commitment from the Ironstate Development Company to invest $150 million to revitalize the underutilized Homeport site in Stapleton, Staten Island.

As part of the initiative, Ironstate Development Company will transform seven acres of the currently decommissioned U.S. naval base site into an attractive and accessible waterfront site with retail stores, restaurants, residential spaces and public plaza. The first phase of the project is expected to generate 1,100 construction jobs and 150 permanent jobs. Construction is slated to begin in 2011.

“The redevelopment of the former Homeport Navy base will transform an underutilized waterfront site into a vibrant, new Staten Island neighborhood with housing, shops and beautiful open space,” stated Mayor Bloomberg. “When combined with the waterfront and infrastructure improvements the city will be providing for the area, this project will be a catalyst for the future revitalization of the Stapleton neighborhood and other North Shore communities,” he added.

The development plan includes construction of two six-story residential buildings containing approximately 800 apartments. Retail space is planned for the ground floor of the complex, with prominent pedestrian sidewalks, outdoor dining and public gathering areas.

The project will participate in the new LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) for Neighborhood Development program administered by the U.S. Green Building Council. The developer will also apply for the LEED certification of the residential complex.

“Staten Island residents today and in the future will benefit from this development and it is truly a ‘win win’ for all,” noted Staten Island Borough President James P. Molinaro.

The Homeport’s advantageous access to transportation is expected to aid in the economic development of the new waterfront. The city has committed $33 million for road reconstruction and creation of open public waterfront space next to the housing complex in the first phase of the development. The upgrades will include improving the Front Street and streets connecting the waterfront to the remainder of the Stapleton community.

“With stunning views and incredible waterborne access, the Homeport site will be transformed into one of the most exciting and attractive waterfront areas in New York City,” noted Deputy Mayor for Economic Development Robert C. Lieber. “It’s critical, now more than ever, that we make the necessary investments in infrastructure that pave the way for residential development. Today we mark an important step towards realizing that vision,” he concluded.