Special Ed Teacher Gets Praise for Walking Kids Home

Special Ed Teacher Gets Praise for Walking Kids Home
Epoch Newsroom

Tabitha Tudy Jones was driving home from the post office recently when she spotted a man walking with several children that didn’t appear to be his.

So she quickly pulled over and snapped a picture of the scene in Memphis, Tennessee.

Turns out the man is a teacher at Whitney Achievement Elementary School. Carl Schneider, a special education teacher, has been walking kids home through rough neighborhoods for three years.

“Frayser gets a lot of bad press, but I have never felt unsafe,” he told WAFF.
“I smile and look at every single person I walk by in the eye and they reciprocate.”

Tabitha is among the many praising Carl’s actions, saying “Big UPS to this teacher!”

Now four other teachers help him walk the 40 kids home each day.

“We can just get to know the kids and talk about what they did over the weekend or how their behavior was at school that day or what they learned,” said Schneider.

“I didn’t think this was part of the job description,” Tabitha told ABC. “But it’s so sweet that he goes above and beyond for the children.”