Somali Migrant Hospitalizes 54-Year-Old Woman Over Her ‘Unclean’ Pet Dogs

Somali Migrant Hospitalizes 54-Year-Old Woman Over Her ‘Unclean’ Pet Dogs
Darren Staples / Reuters
NTD Television

A veiled Somali migrant unleashed a vicious broad daylight attack on middle aged women because her pet dogs were ‘unclean’ and offended the young migrant.

The 54-year-old woman identified as Ingrid T. explains how she was chatting with her neighbors, her 2 dogs by her side: a Collie breed mix and a 10-month old dog named Poco when she “saw a pretty, veiled woman approaching slowly.”

“I knew some people from these countries do not like dogs, so I went to Poco and wanted to pull him back,” Ingrid told Austria’s largest newspaper, Krone, from her hospital bed in Vienna before Breitbart picked the story up.

The 18-year-old Somali migrant approached Ingrid telling her the “animals are unclean” before the migrant assaulted her. Ingrid recalled how the lady “grabbed me, spun me around and scratched me” until they both fell to the ground,” Krone reports.

Three men nearby managed to pull the attacking migrant away from the 54-year-old dog owner.

But the assault left Ingrid unable to feel her own legs, she told Krone.

Wilhelminen Hospital took her in and had to operate twice on Ingrid, after the wild assault left her knee smashed, forcing her to need an artificial knee to be surgically attached.

The Vienna native explained to Krone how the incident occurred because of clashing culture differences, adding that she heard the Somali migrant’s husband say, “We don’t want dogs—they are filthy!”

The dog owner is expected to have a long recovery in the hospital, with her lawyer stating that it’s unclear who will pay for damages, in part because the Somali migrant had no insurance. The lawyer noted that the incident would likely be a precedent for similar cases in the future. 

In January this year, the Austrian defense minister pushed for tighter border control measures that would help stop the stream of migrants into Austria, DW Reports.

Austria has also repeatedly called for Europe to close the Mediterranean route from Africa and threatened to deploy soldiers on it’s border with Italy if they don’t slow the influx of migrants. 

From NTD Television