Snapchat Video Captures 14-Year-Old Beating up 13-Year-Old Classmate as 8 Classmates Watch and Do Nothing

Snapchat Video Captures 14-Year-Old Beating up 13-Year-Old Classmate as 8 Classmates Watch and Do Nothing
Zachary Stieber

Police in Florida have become involved in an incident at a middle school after one student recorded another beating up yet another classmate.

The video was captured by the bystander and posted on the popular Snapchat social media app, where it was circulated widely before being passed to local police in Martin County.

The footage is prime evidence in the case.

Around eight people stood around as the 13-year-old victim suffered the beating from the 14-year-old.

“[Detectives] called me on Sunday to say my daughter was at the park, that she had been assaulted, and that she was being rushed to the hospital,” the victim’s mother told WPTV.

“This was animal behavior.”

The broadcaster reported that the girl suffered bruises, a swollen jaw, and recurring headaches after getting handfuls of hair ripped off.

Deputies told ABC that the fight may have stemmed from comments on social media, noting the attacker apparently believed that the victim was spreading rumors about her.

However, investigators say the victim does not appear to have done so.

“She wouldn’t hurt a fly,” her mother said, tears welling in her eyes. “She didn’t even try to hit the girl back and kick her. Why would they pick on someone like her?”

The bully was arrested but since no bones were broken, the most she could be charged with is misdemeanor battery.

“That is still a first-degree misdemeanor,” Marin County Sheriff William Snyder told ABC. “That is something that will be on this child’s record the rest of her life.”

Neither girl has been publicly named due to them both being minors.

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