Silly Sales Tactics You Fall For Every Day

Sneaky sales tactics used by just about every retailer to make you spend more than you meant to.
Epoch Video

Whenever you shop, whether it’s for food, clothing or just about anything else, odds are good that you often spent more than you meant to. If that happens to you don’t blame yourself, instead blame the sneaky sales tactics used by just about every retailer. Why do they use them? Because they work both in stores and online.

An online example is free shipping if you spend $50. Next thing you know is that you’re buying something you didn’t want, just to save on shipping.

Grocery stores use all kinds of sales tactics. They put things they want to move at eye level, create a gauntlet of impulse buys throughout the checkout stands, and offer discounts if you buy more, like 10 for $10.

Then there are coupons. It can be a great tool to save on something you were going to buy anyway, but it can also get you to buy higher price items or stuff you didn’t intend to buy

Sales are one of the oldest tricks in the book for all retailers. When JCPenney went to everyday low pricing, sales slumped. Shoppers want to believe they’re getting a deal even though sometimes they’re not.