Sichuan Earthquake Relief Activist Expresses Support for ‘Brave 300’ Villagers

A prominent investigator who faced censure by Chinese security forces for looking into the shoddy construction of schools that collapsed in the Sichuan earthquake of 2008 has voiced his support for the “Brave 300”—a group of villages that put their real names to a petition calling for the release of a local Falun Gong practitioner.
Sichuan Earthquake Relief Activist Expresses Support for ‘Brave 300’ Villagers

A prominent investigator who faced censure by Chinese security forces for looking into the shoddy construction of schools that collapsed in the Sichuan earthquake of 2008 has voiced his support for the “Brave 300”—a group of villagers that put their real names to a petition calling for the release of a local Falun Gong practitioner.

Wang Xiaodong, a representative for disaster relief volunteers in the Sichuan earthquake, is a businessman-turned-activist. He personally experienced harassment from Chinese authorities for investigating the structural failure of schools in Sichuan, which led to the deaths of thousands of young children in the earthquake.

Wang was forced to flee the area in April 2009 when local police tried to track him down.

That experience gave him a first-hand education about the nature of the Political and Legislative Affairs Committee (PLAC), the entity that oversees the regime’s police, courts, and domestic surveillance systems.

Many of the “Brave 300” villagers in the Hebei province village that signed the petition, (in written form and with their thumb print) have since been harassed and intimidated by the local authorities with the PLAC who have forced some of the petitioners to sign declarations stating that they did not sign the petition voluntarily.

Coincidentally, Wang shares the same English spelling of his name as the Falun Gong practitioner, Wang Xiaodong, who the petitioners were calling to be released.

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The Falun Gong practitioner’s sister, who initiated the petition effort, was kidnapped and arrested by police this past weekend.

Investigator Wang told The Epoch Times about his own experience with the PLAC.

“As a disaster relief volunteer for the Sichuan earthquake, my enemy is the PLAC. At the beginning of my volunteer work, the PLAC tried to keep my mouth shut. Later, they ransacked my home, and tried to frame me as a drug dealer. The PLAC has used all sorts of dirty tricks to persecute me, as well as the people of the Falun Gong group,” he said.

Wang believes that the Hebei public and national security bureaus were forced by their superiors to harass the villagers who stood up for Falun Gong.

“Forcing these public and national security bureau police officers until they have nowhere to go, using dirty tactics to deal with the Chinese public—these are all very common phenomena in China today.”

Wang once published an article on his blog titled, “Calling for the Public Trial of Zhou Yongkang and the Outlawing of the PLAC.”

His blog was soon blocked.

Zhou Yongkang has been forced to relinquish control of the PLAC, though he is still officially its head, according to well-placed sources in Beijing. Well-placed sources have also told The Epoch Times that Zhou is now under investigation.

Wang has also been revealing Zhou Yongkang’s crimes through various posts that he wrote on online forums, but they have all been deleted.

Wang also explained to The Epoch Times why he believes the PLAC is an entity that is detrimental to freedom and justice in China. Government entities like the PLAC are using taxpayer money to commit crimes against taxpayers, he said. As long as the PLAC exists, fairness in China’s judicial system cannot be realized.

Wang also said that in order to bring true reform to China, CCP leader Wen Jiabao should get rid of the PLAC. Wen and current leader Hu Jintao are seen as reformers looking to counteract the faction that includes Zhou Yongkang that has controlled the PLAC.

“The CCP’s political reform faction should push for China’s social progress, democracy, and human rights through upholding truth and the rule of the law.”

Read the original Chinese article.

When Chongqing’s former top cop, Wang Lijun, fled for his life to the U.S. Consulate in Chengdu on Feb. 6, he set in motion a political storm that has not subsided. The battle behind the scenes turns on what stance officials take toward the persecution of Falun Gong. The faction with bloody hands—the officials former CCP head Jiang Zemin promoted in order to carry out the persecution—is seeking to avoid accountability for their crimes and to continue the campaign. Other officials are refusing any longer to participate in the persecution. Events present a clear choice to the officials and citizens of China, as well as people around the world: either support or oppose the persecution of Falun Gong. History will record the choice each person makes.

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