Shen Yun is ‘Riveting’ Says Lawyer

“It’s riveting ... it’s beautiful, it’s graceful,” said Mr. Sabin.
Shen Yun is ‘Riveting’ Says Lawyer

WASHINGTON—A group of three Shen Yun Performing Arts show-goers left Saturday night’s performance, March 24, at the Kennedy Center Opera House riveted, to say the least.

“Phenomenal, absolutely phenomenal, the costumes the choreography, everything about it was wonderful,” said Kathleen McCoach, who works in the insurance industry.

According to the Shen Yun website, one of the features that strikes audience members most is Shen Yun’s colorful costumes.

“These hundreds of gorgeous, hand-made garments span China’s dynasties, regions, and ethnic groups. ‘I wish I could wear that!’ is a common reaction. Even leading fashion designers leave the show excited with new inspiration,” the website says.

Barrie Sabin, who works as a lawyer, enjoyed the whole show. “It was lovely, it’s very well orchestrated in terms of dance; the music and the singers were fabulous, so very enjoyable,” he said.

Over the years, Shen Yun performances have become famous for elating ecstatic responses from its show patrons. Established in 2006, the New York-based company aims at reviving the 5,000-year-old divinely inspired Chinese culture that has been nearly wiped out under Communist rule in China, according to the Shen Yun website.

Mr. Sabin and Ms. McCoach were also accompanied by attorney Leslie McClendon, who was impressed by Shen Yun’s dancers and the accompanying stories.

“I think that the beauty and the grace of the dancers is to me the most compelling piece of it and learning about the culture and the stories ... is also very interesting. But the grace and beauty of the dancers, I mean that’s what sold me,” she said.

“It’s riveting ... it’s beautiful, it’s graceful,” said Mr. Sabin.

“The fact is, everything is breathtaking. I just love it,” said Ms. McCoach.

According to the Shen Yun website, “In a collection of short pieces, audiences travel from the Himalayas to tropical lake-filled regions; from the legends of the culture’s creation over 5,000 years ago through to the story of Falun Dafa in China today; from the highest heavens down to the dusty plateaus of the Middle Kingdom.”

“It just opens your mind to the fact that it’s, you know the United States is 200 plus years and Chinese culture is 5000 years. It’s a lot of history, ” said Mr. Sabin.

“This is fabulous, I would come again,” said Ms. McCoach.

Shen Yun Performing Arts, based in New York, tours the world on a mission to revive traditional Chinese culture. Shen Yun Performing Arts Touring Company will perform at The Kennedy Center Opera House, Washington, D.C., through April 1.

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