Shen Yun Dancers Impress

“The beauty, the colours, the flow, the movement, and the music, the way that it all came together as one artistic presentation, that’s what I liked,” Mr. Dadson said.
Shen Yun Dancers Impress

VANCOUVER, Canada—The artists of the highly acclaimed Shen Yun Performing Arts, committed to preserving China’s rich 5,000-year cultural heritage, played to a packed house at Vancouver’s Queen Elizabeth Theatre on Saturday night

Among the enthusiastic crowd was Michael Dadson, clinical counselor and director of a conseling agency.

Finding the performance to be both entertaining and educational, the deeper spiritual message behind the performance was something that Mr. Dadson could appreciate.

“Besides the entertainment part there was a message of spirituality and tradition,” he said.
It’s a hopeful message that the tradition and the spiritual values that have existed for 5,000 years still ultimately prevail over the short-term political realities of China today.

Since communist rule in China much of the traditions and values that existed and thrived for 5,000 years became lost. It is the mission of Shen Yun Performing arts to revive these ancient traditions and values and showcase them to the world.

Being based in New York has allowed Shen Yun to freely bring the essence of China’s culture to the forefront without artistic constraints.

Shen Yun combines classical Chinese dance with solo singers, a live orchestra, and solo instrumentalists, making for a complete artistic experience.

“The beauty, the colours, the flow, the movement, and the music, the way that it all came together as one artistic presentation, that’s what I liked,” Mr. Dadson said.

For Mr. Dadson, the dance Snowflakes Welcoming Spring really showcased the skill and precision of the dancers.

“It’s not just the artistic beauty, but the ability of the dancers to control the movement of the snowflakes, and to be able to do that together in harmony, it’s very good,” he said.

“I liked the way that the dancers were synchronized. It was so accurate. The way they could follow each other, and they all moved together in their motions.”

When asked if he would see the show next year he replied, “When they come back, I'll definitely come back again.”

Reporting by Ou Yang and Ryan Moffatt.

Shen Yun’s New York Company will perform one more show in Vancouver before leaving Canada. The production will return in April to perform in Calgary, Edmonton, and Regina.

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