Shen Yun a ‘Great Narration’ of Chinese Culture

Mahera Khanshab: “It’s great to be able to see all this from 5,000 years ago just coming to light to in a really [active] and colorful way.”
Shen Yun a ‘Great Narration’ of Chinese Culture
Mahera Khanshab and Taha Khanshab attend Shen Yun Performing Arts at New York's David H. Koch Theater on Friday. Tara MacIsaac/The Epoch Times
<a><img class="size-full wp-image-1788726" title="tara_MaheraTaha+Khanshab_" src="" alt="Mahera Khanshab and Taha Khanshab attend Shen Yun" width="1144" height="1200"/></a>
Mahera Khanshab and Taha Khanshab attend Shen Yun